The broken paladin

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Hunk walked into the dining room a few minutes later with the green goo inhospitable hands. He placed it in front of Keith who, after slight hesitation, devoured the food. We stared at Keith once he finished and gulped. He ate it like his life depended on it, almost as if he was afraid that he wouldn't get to eat if he didn't eat what he had now fast. Hunk put another plate in front of him and Keith gladly partook in eating. After four more plates, Keith looked less pale and a little happier.
"So Keith,"
I began
"Can you see any better?"
Keith nodded a bit.
"You look a little more solid and I can see more colors."
Keith said in his raspy voice. He looked at me and I looked back, though I bet he didn't know that. His eyes were a light shade of purple and were swirling as if his normal dark purple eyes were being mixed with white milk. It was mesmerizing. His hair was no longer a mullet, so I couldn't make fun of him for that, and to be honest, he was kinda hot. God dammit gay thoughts! Anyway, I looked down after a few seconds before hearing Keith say
Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Coran, Allura, and myself perked up.
"I can see blue"
Keith stated. His vision was getting better remarkably fast. Though it kinda scared me that he hadn't mentioned anything, then suddenly said blue. I wonder what he was seeing. He described us as monsters and still didn't run away. He was looking at misshapen blobs that can only be described at monsters. But to him, the monsters before him were slowly starting to get closer to the real thing. He was beginning to see the clearer picture after being put through hell, Keith was stronger then all of us.

So sorry this is short. I probably won't update this too often because I've kinda fallen out of the Voltron fandom and I am now into, like, a lot of random fandoms ands I'm also writing my own story. I'll probably still update but not much. Comment if you want me to update and I'll try to😙😗

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