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"Goodmorning Everybody!"

As Mr. Kim walked into your classroom.

"Goodmorning Mr. Kim"

"After discussing you will answer math problems, okay?"

"O-Okay sir."

"Let's proceed then."

After he teach, he gave you all a seatwork which made everbody quiet. You are all focusing on the seatwork he gave you.

"I can't get it."

You muttered to yourself and then Mr. Kim walked at you.

"Is there any problem Ms. Choi?"

"N-No sir."

He nodded and went back to his seat while you. You keep on trying to answer the math problems.

2 hours passed and it was break time now, everybody passed their papers while you. You still solving it, till Mr. Kim approached you.


Then you looked at him nervously.

"Haesoo you should told me earlier so that I can teach you."

You heard him sigh.

"S-Sorry Mr. Kim."

"Your always not listening to me, you have to stand tomorrow in class."

"Sorry Mr. Kim"

You lowered you head.

"Arasso, I will give you a chance. But please listen to the lesson it's for your own good."

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