Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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A young blonde haired boy was seen jumping from tree to tree, on his way to school, which was his first day. He had just traveled away from the hyuuga clan, because of some sort of "incident".

I had walked into the class room with hands behind my head, as if I had already been there.

Teacher: Class this is our new student Ashil, he comes all the way from the hyuuga clan. Tell us about yourself Ashil.

Ashil: I-

I was interupted by some loud mouth.

???: Haha! Look at his hair! And that pony tail!? He looks like a girl.

The other kids began to laugh.

Ashil: You laugh because of my hair color? That makes me no different from you.

I glared.

???: Huh?

Ashil: And you also laugh at my ponytail. So what? I decide what style I want to put my hair, not some stupid loud mouth like you!!

???: Uh-oh the little girl is starting to cry! Ha ha.

Two guys came up to defend me, have I just made new friends?

Teacher: Kai and Heizo go back to your seats!

Kai: You guys leave him alone, Just because hes different doesn't mean you should pick on him!

Heizo: Not even for his hair color! 

Heizo had took off his beinie hat.

Heizo: Look at my hair its orange, how come knowone has ever made fun of me?

I wached them and saw that they were somewhat like me. Kai had the enthusiasum and rage as me. and Heizo didn't really care about others judging him.

Everyone was silenced as Heizo and Kai went back to their seats.

Teacher: Ashil why don't you go ahead and sit next to Kai.

Ashil: O-okay.

I walked over to Kai as I whispered "Thanks bro" and sat down.

Kai: Don't sweat it, those guys are jerks.

Ashil: I can tell, and its only been my first day.

We both laughed.

During class Kai looked over at Ashil's paper to see what he was doing, he was drawing a picture of some girl.

Kai: Nice drawing, who is it?

Ashil: My mother..

I said with a depressing voice.

Kai: Whats wrong bro?

Ashil:  Nothing.

Kai: Hm..

Kai drew something as well, it was a picture of his mom.

Kai: This is my mom.

Ashil: What happened to her.

Kai: She got taken away, by some secret organization.

Ashil: why!?

Kai: I don't know.. I miss her alot.

I stared at Kai.

Ashil: I might be able to get your mother back some day.

Kai: You can really do that?...For me?

Ashil: Yeah.

Kai:: Thanks 

He smiled

Ashil: No problem.

I smiled back.

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