Ghost Road 2

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Caleb laughed following behind me, "So detention, huh?"

"No duh, idiot!" I snapped.

As the warning bell rang we raced to first period.

Jace looked pointedly at me and said, "Don't get in more trouble or u just might have to stay after with Mr. Smelly McShelly."

"Ya, ya, ya. Whatever."

A few minutes in to class Sara Williams raises her hands. "Ms. Jones its really hot in here."

"Im sorry I should leave then." I stood up to walk out.

"Sit down Mr. Tye." Ms. Jones said.

As the day went on I noticed i had 3 more minutes til Lunch detention. The bell finally rang and i trugged off to room 120- the science room.

I sat down and pulled out my home work and began on math.

I got so caught up in my work that i fell out of my chair when the bell rang signaling 6th period.

The day finished quickly and i was running down the hallway catching up to Will.

"You ridding the bus?" I questioned.


"K, well im going to met up with a few of the team at the park. You know throw around the football, go over some plays."

"Alright. See you tomorow." He waved.

5 minutes later I ws yelling, "Im running back."

"Always." Zack said smirking.

We got into postions and as soon as i heard the "Hut," i was off. I blocked Noah from the inside then saved Chad from being tacked and took down Bailey. I stood and saw that Chad made the touch down. I looked to my left to see Quinn kick the ground in anger. We played for maybe a hour and a half then it started to thunder and finally rain. Oh boy did it rain and i stil had 15 minutes to get home. And that was if i run.

I threw on my back pack and took off running. A good 7 minutes later i was ready to cross over 71 when I hear the roll of thunder boom in the sky. I looked over my shoulder to see lighting light up the darkness around me. Out of the corner on my eye I see a flash of white. I turn to see a little girl of 4 years-old with short dishwater blond hair in a white dress that was ripped and dirty. She was so pale, almost transparent, as she stood across the street, bare foot, facing the woods.

Leaning forward and squinting my eyes i muttered, "What tha-?" I wipped the water form my eyes and staightend quickly. Sure enough the little girl still stood across the street.

As she starts to fade into thte darkness i hollar, "Hey are you okay?"

Her head turns all the way around. "If you value your life you will not follow me." she whispers hauntingly.

She melted into the darkness disappearing from all sight.


I raced across the road and into the woods after her. Stupid move i know. But she's a little lost girl that needs help. She's helpless out her in the woods all by herself.

"Hello?!" I scream running, "Are you okay? Where are you? Hello?!?!"

I throw my hands up in the air and turn in a circle yelling, "This is pointless and now im the one thats lost!!" Well might as well find my way home.

"I think it was that way." I tur to my left and was goin to take a step forward when she appears out of nowhere. I'm staring at black nothingness and then a little girl is standing before me. She raises a hand signaling me to stop.

"You musnt follow me. Head back or pay the price."

"What? What do you mean, price?" I dug into my front pocket, nothing, no surprise there. " Is 75 cents enough."

"This is no joke. Turn back now." she paused. "If you continue to follow me what happens to you is your fault. You've been warned."

She takes off with me close behind. A few minutes later we come out of the woods on to a gravel road with skeleton like trees all around. There was a light fog rolling in and it was still rainning but not much.

Sorry to say this but it was kind of creepy.

"Hey, im just trying to help you."

She turns slight ly to look at me. But not in a way a normal person would. Her head turns slightly more than the rest of her body. She made the place seem even more creepy. I still couldnt get a look at her face. That plus the road made this all more creepy. "There's nothing you can do to help me."

She continued to walk down the road. A old abandoned victorian house came into view. It was made of wood and brick with two pillars and grass as tall as me and everything about it and the land seemed...dead.

"Is this your home? You live here?" i approached her.

"This is no home of mine. This is my own personal hell hole." She said with venom. "This place..." she shoock her head gravely. "Is hell on earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2010 ⏰

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