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(jjk 4.19)

Today I was planning to give up the reputation I've been working on for the past 13 years of my life. That is until I met you.

When I walked into the enormous old building I've stepped in at least hundreds of times and disliked so much, all i could hear was people talking about the "hot" new kid. It was rare for people to move in to this old almost abanded town and surely, he would be able to replace me with all the rapid popularity he is gaining and I obviously could care less.

I made my way straight to my first period, ignoring my "friends" and everyone else who sucked up to me. I'm pretty sure they found my behavior "abnormal" and were already spreading around rumors and foolish assumptions.

When i walked into class, there you were. The person everyone raved about all morning long. Sitting in my seat.

The lighting of the early sun peeking through the window hitting you with a majestic glow, your head buried in a book, your lips ajar and a piece of your silky smooth caramel colored hair sitting softly on the bridge of your baby pink flushed nose.

You looked... Perfect and for once i felt something...

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