Chapter 9

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Leafpaw padded out of camp with Moonpelt following her.
'' Careful!" Moonpelt yelled as she nearly crossed the border.
"This is the thunderpath where scary monsters passed. Over the Thunderpath is Shadowclan territory.
Moonpelt then leaped over to the side and padded with Leafpaw behind her, She jumped down onto the sunning rocks.
" this is between Thunderclan and Riverclan territory. Riverclan has been fighting over it for moons when they know it's rightfully ours." Moonpelt said standing up.
"Can't we share?" Asked Leafpaw in curiousity. Surely there's more we can do than fighting!
Moonpelt brushed the question off and shook her head, padding off.

A few hours later,
Leafpaw crouched down, stalking a mouse. She leaped at it but not fast enough and crashed into the ground as the mouse ran into a hole in the tree.
Her ears flicked and she could smell the scent of Riverclan.
She looked around and saw a sand looking she-cat, she was very small, almost like a kit! Her purple eyes glowed in the light like fire.
Leafpaw leaped down and ran to the she-cat.
Suddenly the sand cat got alarmed and unsheathed her long sharp claws looking at the cat.
"A Riverclan cat!" Shouted leaf in joy.
The cat sheathed her claws.
"Just a stupid Thunderclan cat.. " She murmured.
"I'm sorry, I'm not distracting am I?"
The Riverclan cat wanted to yell for her to go away but she felt something kick her in the chest and slowly she said,
"It's fine. You shouldn't be on the sunning rocks, Sparkstar is really strict about Thunderclan cats on here. "
Leafpaw flicked her tail at the cat signalling her to come and padded off with the she-cat following her.
They stopped next to the thunderpath.
"We can talk here." Leafpaw said, "Oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm Leafpaw!"
The sand cat smiled gently, "Smallpaw."
Leafpaw looked at her claws, " that's so sharp not even Clawblaze's are this-"
Small unsheathed her claws fully showing Leafpaw her long blunt claws.
"Long..." Leafpaw finished her sentence trying to act brave.
Smallpaw our her short tail over Leafpaw calming her down.
" I wouldn't want to get in a battle with you."
Smallpaw grinned. "You sure?" She leaped at the Brown cat playfully and bit her ear.
Leaf laughed and pinned her down.
Suddenly, a large grey tom pushed small to the side and pinned her.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" He shouted digging his claws into her.
"I was playing.." she narrowed her eyes and looked away.
"Playing is bad. " He got off her.
Leafpaw snarled at the tom. "Leave her alone, you cannot just do that to her!"
He growled and padded off glaring at Smallpaw.
"What a mouse brain!" Snarled Leafpaw.
"You mean fox dung? " looked Small, " he's my father. " She hissed at the word 'father'.
" he trained me when I was a kit, he said there was gonna be nothing of me so he got me to be a medicine cat."
Leafpaw looked at the cat in guilt.
" I'm sorry.. I didn't- "
Sandpaw put her tail over her mouth and smiled. "No cat ever.. understood me like you. "
Leafpaw blushed and looked at her and felt something in her chest.
What in starclan is this feeling?
"I have to go.." She took one last glance at the soft, warm purple eyes of the She-cat and padded across the Thunderpath.
The ground slowly shook under her and a light flashed at her, Suddenly she was laying on the ground with blood on the path and she could see her front-right paw glistening with red blood all over it. Her vision blurred and she closed her eyes.


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