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Cheryl didn't realize that she was just standing in front of the car. She didn't realize she had zoned out. She didn't realize she was still around people until she felt a tapping on her shoulder and she let that breath-that she was holding in for far too long-out. "Cheryl are you ok? Do you want us to go in with you?" Betty asked her, her and Alice now standing next to her. Cheryl simply nodded and walked to the large doors of Thistle House and grabbed a key from under the door mat. "You don't have your own key?" Betty asked her and Cheryl nodded no "She thinks I'll just lose it or whatever." She said as she unlocked the door then put the key back under the door mat and walked in. She walked in further and peered around the corner to see her mom reading. She motioned for them to quietly take a few steps towards her. She took a small step up one of the stairs, causing it to creak. "Claudius is that you?" Penelope asked from the living room. "Crap" she mumbled as she heard footsteps coming towards them. Alice turned to face Penelope who was crossing her arms and looked her daughter up and down. "We're just here to get some of Cheryl's things. " Alice said. "And why would you need to do that?" Penelope asked her. "Because you clearly don't give her the love and support she needs so we're willing to do so." Alice said back. Penelope rolled her eyes then looked at Cheryl "Cheryl dear, a word?" She said and Cheryl sighed and followed her to the living and she closed the doors behind her.

"Cheryl have you gone crazy?!" Penelope asked as she pushed her down to the couch. Cheryl rolled her eyes and sat up. "I was thinking that since you clearly hate me then I'd leave." She said. "Cheryl I don't hate you..." her mother insisted. "Really? Because it sure fucking seems like you do!" She said. "You belittle me everyday. You hurt me both emotionally and physically. You call me loveless, deviant, emotionless, monster. You treat me like absolute crap. You're a total bitch who has no concern for how she makes people feel. If you only wanted one kid why didn't you just abort me instead!" She said, practically in tears. She felt a cold hand on her cheek. Her mom had slapped her. "Don't you dare say that every again." She said "You want to leave? Fucking leave!" Cheryl wiped away her tears and rushed out of the living room and up to her bedroom. "Cheryl wait!"

Alice and Betty had been standing in the hall. "So are we gonna give her Polly's room?" Betty asked. "Ya, there's no other room." Alice said. Betty sighed and looked down "I'm sorry." She said and Alice looked at her confused "For what?" She asked. "For pushing you away, leaving home. Causing you to feel hurt. I guess I never realized how good of a mom I have until I saw how terrible of a Mom Cheryl has." She said as Alice pulled her in for a hug. "It's ok, I was pushing everyone away. Please just promise me you won't leave again. Please." She begged and Betty nodded "I promise." She said. Suddenly the doors to the living room swung open and out came an angered, sad, and frustrated Cheryl who marched right up the stairs and to her room. "Cheryl wait!" Betty said as she followed her upstairs.

Cheryl went to her room and grabbed a bag and started to grab whatever clothes would fit into it. Hot tears started to well up in her eyes again. "Cheryl." She heard her cousin say from the hall. "Cheryl what happened in there?" Betty asked once she found Cheryl's room. "I... it... I..." She struggled to get the words out. Betty took a hold of her hands "You don't have to tell me." She said. Cheryl looked down "You can't tell anyone. Not even your mom." She said "Ok. I promise." Betty said. "My.. my mom .... well she slapped me." She said, almost in a whisper. Betty gasped and hugged her tightly. Cheryl hugged her back. And this was the first time they've ever hugged. Cheryl sighed and pulled away from her cousins embrace and wiped away her tears. She continued to pack up her most cherished things.

Meanwhile Alice had decided to talk some sense into Penelope. "Look Penelope I know that-" she said before she cut herself off. She walked into the living room and found Penelope in tears. "Are you seriously crying??" She asked her as she sat down next to her. Penelope rolled her eyes "Of course not." She said. Alice sighed and sat back on the couch. "Look I get your childhood was rough and all but don't take it out on Cheryl. She didn't do anything to you." She said. Penelope tolled her eyes again "You're damn right, my childhood was pretty fucked up. But regardless, Cheryl... she doesn't behave. She doesn't listen, she doesn't care. Ever since she was little she's always been that way." Penelope insisted. "Well have you ever thought that maybe the reason she doesn't "behave" is because you don't show her you love her?" Alice asked. "Don't be ridiculous Alice. She's just a brat. Plain and simple." She said. Alice sighed and rolled her eyes. "Mom we're ready to go." Betty said as she was holding one of Cheryl's bags, Cheryl holding the other.

Alice parked the car in front of their house and locked the car doors. She walked up to the door and unlocked it then walked in. "It's no mansion but it's home." Alice said and Cheryl sighed "It's nice." She said as she observed the house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small. It was average. "You can take Polly's room." Betty said as she motioned for Cheryl to follow her up the stairs.

After a few hours of settling in, Cheryl laid in the bed and under the covers. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. She felt herself drifting off into a peaceful sleep when suddenly she was awaken by the sound of a pounding on her bedroom door. "Cheryl you have to hide." she heard Betty say from the other side of the door.

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