On The Way There

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When I turned into the street. I stopped at Natsu's house, yet not before nearly running him over...

"Oh my gosh!! I'm so sorry Natsu!! I wasn't paying attention!" I said as Natsu got in the car, looking a little shook. he turned smiled gently, after he put his bag down. "You were thinking about your mother weren't you?" He asked. I blinked. "uh Y-yeah..." I replied "How did you know?" He looked up, as the cars passed, and I passed others. "Usually every other day when you pick me up... You always have that sad look on your face. And then you start to talk about the days back when we were kids, and when you mom was alive."

 I blinked again, taking in what Sen-Natsu said "I-I would?" I said He looked at me with a concerned look "Lucy, are you okay? I mean, you don't remember a doing that, ever? You did that twice this week..."

"No...I don't remember a single thing. I guess it was my subconscious talking or something." I said, my voice cracking a little (Senp-Natsu didn't notice). "Probably." He replied. He put his head on his hands, leaned back into the seat, Natsu pretended to keep hos eyes forward, but I could still feel them resting on me. Great I said Now Senpa-NATSU is going to think I'm crazy...

I'm sorry!!! I really am I promise I will try my absolute BEST to try to upload periodically! I am really busy. Please try to see it through my eyes!

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