Insanity Awakening

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I woke up extremely dizzy. Sweat drenched my body. I can't remember why the heck I fainted. Trying to move my muscles or open my eyes, so I stayed paralyzed to whatever bed I was on.

I was probably at the nurse's office.... or a hospital, judging from a constant beep I could hear. There was a slight shuffling in my room, and I could hear a light breathing. It was kind of a cute breathing. 

The presence felt very familiar was it..


I tried opening my eyes, but they wouldn't move. 


I wanted to see Natsu-san. Moving my arms was a heck of a lot harder now. My heart rate started getting a little faster as my effort increased. Breathing deeply, I moved my right arm to the handle at the side of the bed. Natsu-san woke up, I resumed, because there was a sudden shifting and a gasp. He rushed over. 


He grabbed my hand, I felt a sudden wave of energy wave through my body. All my muscles seemed to obey my command immediately. I sat up, feeling the IV needle in my arm as I moved it.

I rip my hand from his grasp, and endured him into a hug, crying as he hugged me back. Patting me, he tried to calm me down. But it was no use, I was so relieved to see him.

"Okay, okay, Lucy. Oh jeez are you okay?" He asked, making me sit back. 

"No." I shook my head, still crying. Tears of happiness and sorrow. 

"Do you know what happened? How you ended up here?" He asked, pulling up a chair.

As if on cue, memories of my unconscious trip came flooding back. My face was covered with my brushed hair, and insane slipped into my lips. My eyes twitched a little, I lifted my head.

"Nothing, nothing." I waved my hand, within a split second, I changed my smile to a sweet one. I looked around the room I was in, it was a hospital. It was very big. Figures as much.

"Am I in a city or a Heartfilia Hospital?" I knew there was no point to ask this question though. Nastu-san smiled, "City."

I rubbed my head, "C-city?! W-why. . . Wait, what? Did Dad- er, Father, let me in a city hospital?!" Questions ran though my head. Father would never let me in a city hospital, let alone be near one. He would always have me go to his own Heartfilia Hospitals. Only family or employees of the Heartfilia family could go there.

Natsu-san looked at the door, "Well. . . How do I explain this?" He looked back at me, "When Juvia found you in the bathroom, she called the nurse. The nurse couldn't figure out what was wrong with you, but she knew it was critical. The school transferred you to this hospital. Doctors claim, blah blah blah, you've been in here for a couple of days. And it would be illegal to take you out of here in your condition." 

My headache worsened a little to process this, my heart rate increased. He rubbed my hand, looking at the heart monitor, "Calm down, it's okay."

But it's not.

I can't ever imagine how mad Father is going to be towards me. 

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