The Argument 2.5

6 0 2

Year 8

Time: 3:00 pm

"Hello sweety

A familiar voice said to Frenchie, stepping out from the door.  She remained silent but smiled sweetly.

In stepped Frenchie's boyfriend Thomson and his friends, Roy and Ben. Thompson was a 30 something year old man with an athlete's build, a clean shave and a slight lazy eye. Roy was smaller then Thompson, a lot more roundish and had a thick moustache. Ben was a midget, about 4'6, but he looked fit enough to hang with the other two. In their hands they carried 3 boxes of pizza and cups of hot mocha. Frenchie was practically ecstatic, squealing like a little girl as she hugged her boyfriend tightly. 

The 4 friends then all sat down around in the living room, Frenchie stuffing her face with as much pizza as she could. 

"Thank you so much guys" Frenchie said, giving her boyfriend a sloppy kiss

"You've said that like 10 times already baby" Thompson replied, but he didn't seem to mind the kisses. 

The three of them were watching a really bad action movie when a new bulletin came on. Roy turned up the television's volume in order to hear what was going on. The news anchor then began to talk with distress in their voice

"We are on the scene of the battle right now as paramedics are scrambling to help whoever was caught between the battle of Gibson Welsh, upcoming police officer and an unknown assailant who has yet to be identified. All that is yet known is that the assailant has white hair, the same color hair of the rumored assassin Kaiser. Gibson has yet to disclose any information as he is more focusing on trying to mitigate any damage to the surrounding area then recovering from his fight. Just 50 miles from here was a warzone itself as police officers surrounded the infamous Don Calling, until a mysterious entity allowed the Don to escape past the border to New Mexico+, we'll make sure to keep you posted"

Frenchie sat there dumbfounded, it has been only a day and a half but already Kaiser has committed chaos. This is much quicker then what his usual waiting period was from her memory. 

"Turn that off please" Frenchie asked, Roy looked at her a little confused but then simply took off the television. The 4 friends just sat there in silence for just a bit, until they began to talk to each other. 

"So Frenchie is it true you got promoted?" Roy asked

"Yup, you're looking  at the executive manager Steel Maw" Frenchie responded proudly 

"Steel Maw?"  Tony asked, taking a sip of mocha

"Yeah, didn't I tell you where she worked?" Thompson responded

"Steel Maw is the number 1 manufacture of Reactive Metal in the entire world" Frenchie explained

Reactive Metal, made from an unstable material known as Blank Form, Reactive Metal is a semi sentient substance that has the properties of metal but can shift and morph, expand or condense itself base on it's users whims via telepathy. 

"That's awesome!" Roy stated, clapping as Frenchie blushed.

Thompson then took up a cup of mocha and raised it high into the air 

"Here's to my girlfriend!" Thompson cheered

"Here, Here!" everyone shouted as they laughed. 

That's when there was a soft knock at the door. 

"I'll get it" Roy said, getting up from his chair quickly and headed towards the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by a rather tall and beefy Beast-Kin with a pig like appearance. 

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