
446 18 0

I am no model.
I am not paid.

My bio says "it's complicated."
But I'm just single.

I got thirty-four likes on my selfie.
But it was with my cute friend.

I got twenty-two like on a selfie.
And it was just me.

Should I do another filter?
Black and white? Willow?

I have so much ghost followers.
Please spam for spam.

"Don't follow to unfollow."
But I do the same thing.

"You follow, I follow"
3468 Followers. 378 Following.

But I have a maid, so no real struggling.

To be honest?
I'll say you're pretty when I just want you to like me.

I'll say "BMS," when you're really a five.

Wanna be R.O.D.?
Gotta get your kik first.

Want my kik?
Gotta be R.O.D. first.

"Just got Starbucks!"
This is really my mom's coffee.

Welcome to Instagram.
The site with fake people.

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