Chapter 2-No regrets-

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Thanks for the 240 reads and 32 votes!!! I really appreciated all the supports.

Warning-the first few paragraphs might seem boring but! When it gets to the meeting part then it will spark your interests.

It has been a month or so since I've been personally chosen by my captain.I have been training daily along my comrades and participate in some meetings with Captain smith.

I was walking down the halls before I felt a light tap on my shoulder,turning around I came face to face with Mike...
Mike has been a great company this past month I spent here.
He may be superior but he still treats me like we're likewise
The thought comforts me,"Oh,Mike,did you need anything?"addressing him Mike is what I got used to but I hope he doesn't mind,"(m/n),there's a meeting in about an hour and Captain Erwin expects you..."
What's it going to be about...
Even though I was curious I dismissed the idea of asking
"Yeah,sure.Meet you there! That is if you're going to come"I grinned as i excused myself and continued my journey to my shared dormitory for some set of a set of clothes and hit the showers.


Cool water ran down my body as I began reminiscing.

Erwin must've trusten me soo deeply...too deep that I won't get away alive breaking it.I shuddered at the thought and grabbed my soap bar and began to lazily scrub every healed scars lingering all around my chest,arms and mostly my back.They're healed but remains visible....It might sound horrible to say that they remind me of the past but it also reminds me to smile
Meeting might be starting,better off.

Quickly,I dried myself and dressed with my trusty ol' white button up,long sleeve and white jeaggings.I don't have time to go and get my jacket and straps so I made my way to the meeting place.

Small droplets of water falls on the floor behind me as I walk.
Jeez,this'll be embarrasing!I thought as I began to debate whether or not to turn back.after  decided to turn back for the best.


I speed walked pass cadets and turn left and right corridors until I finally stopped in front of the meeting room,all dressed up properly and strapped this time.Releasing a sigh and slowly opened the door to reveal my superiors,all seated.
"I apologise for my tardy."I salute and their gaze shifted to my figure which I hope does not look pathetic with my slightly wet hair."Ah,(l/n).You're just in time."Pexis motioned me to take a seat.I gave a curt nod and sat down beside mike,smiling to the others,acknowledging them to not seem rude.

"Today's meeting will be the regarding the crimes that are committed by criminals in the underground district below wall sina.But we will discuss only about 3 thugs in particular.

As we all know that the underground district was planned and created to escape the titans.However,the plan was aborted.In results during these past years turned the underground into slums where criminals and deceaced people live.-"
I never knew this was the case in the underground until now.
I acted completely calm and continued to listen and mentally taking notes and details.
"-Back to the 3 thugs.They seem to always get away from stealing and the military police(s)."Erwin continued but stopped,letting us speak.

"For the money they were stealing,it could be that they gather some to get to the surface..."Flagon asked as he reads the files that are given out,"but they could've gone up here a long time ago if that was the case but it seems that they've stolen far greater amount of tax than what's needed for just the three...."I muttered looking through my file in hand,seeing that they started stealing years ago and to approximately sum all of the steals it'll be lots than needed.

"Correct."says Erwin who heard."This is why erwin invites you in meetings."flagon says eyeing my bushy browed captain."And we are here to proceed a plan onto capturing them?"asked or more like said Pixis,"Yes."

And the meeting continued on.


As I was to standup and leave before my superiors,Erwin stayed and told me to also.
Once they left,it was just me and my captain.

"We need to discuss something related to the underground and the 3."

updated! Not even a week since my last...New record😄
There'll be 3 parts in chapter 2

Chapter 2 is based on 'no regrets' series of aot...I don't know when will I do the other series like 'lost girls'.Maybe after many chapters.

Smile Through Hell (Aot Snk X Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora