The Normal Life

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*Yawn* I was waking up from my slumber "Ugh this is going to be another boring day in school" I get out of my bed and head downstairs "Morning Sweetheart breakfast is on the table" I go to take a seat and began to eat "By the way did you see the news there was another Invasion in Unity Town" I look over at my mother "These Invasion have been going on for a while now but what could be causing them?" I looked a my watch "Well i have to go mom" i walked out the door and headed to school. My friends were waiting for me "Sup DJ did you see the news" "Yeah I did, aren't those things so weird" we walked to school. When we got there I stopped "What do you think the source might be?" "I dont know DJ but all i know is that we gotta be safe" we walked inside and waited for the bell "ATTENTION STUDENTS PLEASE REPORT TO YOUR CLASSES" the bell rings and we head to class. On my way there I ran into this girl "Oops sorry" She looks down and says nothing "Hey are you alright" I slowly reach my hand to grab her but she ran off "What was that all about?" I walk into my classroom and sit next to my friend Terry "Alright Class take out your notebooks and prepare to take notes on the Main Idea and Details" I began taking notes focusing every letter and word that the teacher wrote on the board until something happened, an alarm went on "ATTENTION STUDENT AND TEACHERS WE ARE ON A SERIOUS LOCKDOWN GET TO A SAFE PLACE NOW!!!" I look outside the window and it was dark outside "Whats going on?" "We are being invaded hid yourse-" he falls to the floor with a crystal in his head "CRAP TEACHER!!!" I began to run out the room trying to find help. "Well well well a wondering little fellow" I looked up "Who are you?" He comes down and stands infront of my face "I am Shadowwind, King of the Shadowknights" I felt a cold chill as he spoke "A-And what are you doing here in my school?" he smirked "Im looking for the Princess of Light" "WELL SHES NOT HERE SO LOOK ELSEWHERE" he began to get mad "MOVE OUT OF MY WAY HUMAN OR ILL KILL YOU" "No..." I threw a punch at him "You missed" He stabs me in the chest "Ahh!" I fall to the floor holding my chest "Maybe that'll teach you a lesson" I looked up at him then saw a bright light, some human shaped figure standing infront of me,I closed my eyes and blacked out. 

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