Falling Apart

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"Something doesn't feel right," Steven quietly murmered.

"What was that, Steven?" Lapks asked looking at him with curiosity.

"Oh," Steven said with a gasp. He had forgotten that Lapis was right next to him. "Nothing. Just thinking out loud."

"Okay, wierdo. Come on, we're gonna miss the big event," Lapis giggled.

"Yeah, don't want to miss that," Steven said with an uncertain tone.

Before Steven knew it, he and Lapis were right behind Jasper and Peridot. Steven could have sworn he heard some singing, but he thought it was just his imagination.

"We can't leave yet!" Peridot exclaimed as she followed behind Jasper. The group came to a halt when Jasper stopped in front of a cell.

"The whole point in comming here was to check on the Cluster!" Peridot continued.

Jasper punched the wall next to a cell door so hard that it felt like the whole ship shook. "Stop singing!" Jasper yelled at a small, blue gem in the cell in front of her.

The whole group stood back. They all knew it was never a good idea to mess with Jasper when she was in a hot-temper mood.

"Oh, she in danger now," Lapis playfully whispered in Steven's ear.

Peridot was scared. She felt so scared that she broke into a tiny sweat.

"Rose Quartz takes priority!" Jasper angerly said turning around to face Peridot. "Get bak to the bridge, and set a course for Homeworld!" Jasper said turning around with her hair barley missing Peridot's face.

Peridot sighed and headed for the bridge. "Go to Earth they said. It'll be easy they said," Peridot frustratingly said.

"Ha! She gave you the hair slap, Peri" Lapis laughed following behind Peridot stil, munching on popcorn.

"Shut up!" Peridot exclaimed without looking behind her.

"Oh, come on, guys!" Steven called following behind the two. "Let's not argue. We'll be fine, and, hey, we have the rebels, right?"

"Yeah, Steven," Peridot said still frustrated. "Sure."

"Hey, Lapis?" Steven asked the purple Lapis.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Where and when did you get thst popcorn?" Steven asked pointing at the bag.

"Oh, want some?" Lapis asked moving the bag towards Steven. "I stole it from Greg's van," she said with a giggle.

"Oh, Lapis," Steven said with a sigh. "Such a trouble-maker," he said taking a hand-full of popcorn and shoving it in his face.

A few minutes went by and Steven could have sworn that he heard more singing, but it sounded different. It sounded like some kind of upbeat tune. And hecould have sworn that he heard some hits on the ship's floors and walls.

"Do you guys hear something?" Steven asked Peridot and Lapis.

Then, at that very moment, the door opened to reveal the girl, the Amethyst, and the Pearl.

"Stand back!" Peridot yelled at Lapis and Steven as she pulled out a gem distabelizer from the control panel.

Steven and Lapis quickly did as they were told. They nearly choked on their popcorn when the girl stopped the stabelizer from hitting her and wasn't affected in the slightest.

"Uh oh," Peridot said with fear in her eyes.

Peridot, Lapis and Steven all criednout when they were wrapped up the Amethyst's whips.

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