What Now?

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"Good morning, Steven!" Lapis exclaimed onto Steven's ear.

Steven woke with a start. Lapis had yelled into his ear while he was still deep in sleep. He jumped uo with surprise and clinged onto Peridot.

"Lapis!" Peridot yelled.

"What?" Lapis responded.

"What did I tell you about waking Steven up like that?" Peridot said. "You could make him go deaf. Or you could scare him to death."

"Okay. Okay. Gees," Lapis said hovering in the air above Peridot and Steven.

"So," Steven paused. "What do we do now?"

"I have no idea," Lapis said. "Peridot, what do you think we should do?"

"I think I have an idea on what can help," Peridot said putting Steven down. "Follow me."

Peridot turned and started to walk through a field of corn. Steven and Lapis followed close behind her.

"I landed in my escape pod not to far from here," Peridot said. "It was a little damaged from the landing, but I might be able to fix it up."

A few minutes went by and Steven, Peridot, and Lapis were still wandering through the tall stalks of corn.

"Are you sure you know where we're going? It feels like we've been wandering in these fields forever," Lapis said.

"Yes, I know where we're going," Peridot said annoyed.

"Then how much longer 'till we get there?" Lapis whined.

"It should be just about..." Peridot paused. they walked out of the stalks of corn and into a clearing. "...now," Peridot finished.

"What happened here?" Lapis asked.

Peridot's escape pod was in pieces and scattered around the ground. There were big holes all over the place. And rocks were scattered everywhere.

"Oh my stars," Peridot said. "I don't understand. It wasn't this bad when I was here yesterday."

"The Crystal Gems," Steven softly said picking up a piece of debris from the escape pod.

"Oh, they'll stoop to anything!" Lapis said picking up some debris too.

"But you can still fix it, right?" Steven asked looking at Peridot. Lapis looked at the green gem too.

"Well, I... I don't know, Steven," Peridot said. " This pod is basically destroyed. I'm not sure if there's any way to fix this thing."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Steven asked.

"Don't worry, Steven," Lapis said landing next to him. "Peridot will think of something."

"What?" Peridot asked. "Why do I have to be the one to think of something?"

"Uh, because your way smarter than us," Lapis said. "I mean, Steven and I are practically total dum-dums compared to you."

"Hey," Steven started to say but was cut off when Lapis jabbed him in the ribs.

"Right, Steven?" Lapis said with a wink.

"Oh, yeah," Steven said winking back. "We barely know anything compared to you, Peridot. I mean any plan we could think of wouldn't even be able to compare with what you could think of."

"I guess you have a point," Peridot said.

"Of coarse we do," Lapis said. "Now why don't think of a plan, while Steven and I go hang out?"

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