Chapter 2 - Past

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Everybody had left. The day had just finished. Kya had decided to stay in her lab the entire night. Last night's weirdness freaked her out. Maybe things in the lab would be better. All the lights were off except her personal lab's lights.

She'd taken some of her tools and she had started pulling together her own laser gun. Kya had designed many weapons. Most of the military's guns and weapons were her designs. That's where all this money came from.

Kya had managed to be one of Republic City's billionaires. Well, she wasn't as rich as Blackstone Verrick the 6th was. Mr. Verrick also owned the Cinematography Production. Lots of money there too. But she didn't really want to interfere with the Cinema. She had all she wanted.

The loud sound of something crashing on the metallic floor spread all over the building and she snapped her gaze in the direction she thought it came from. She woke up from the chair she was sitting on for the last hours and she started walking around trying to find out where it came from.

She turned the lever and she opened the lights at the entire building where all the rest of the scientists used to work. There was lots of metallic stuff in there. Tools, fragments of devices, computers and so many scientists used to work there. Maybe something wasn't placed correctly somewhere and it fell.

Kya shrugged. She walked back to her lab turning off the lights and she focused again on her new weapon. She wrapped the gun and she checked if its design helped with the targeting. Kya closed her one eye taking a better look with the other. She knew better than anyone how to use guns. She had created them.

Everything seemed correct with the angle, but without noticing she was targeting a woman. When she actually felt the presence of someone else in there, she dropped the gun and gasped surprised. It was the same woman that had talked to her through her mirror the other night.

She was wearing water tribe clothes in the blue shade, two strands of her hair were left loose and the rest were wrapped behind. She didn't look older than forty.

Kya's eyes widened. The whole building was locked, how the hell did she get it here?!

"H-how did you get in here? Who the hell are you?!" Kya asked. She admitted it, she was scared.

"You already know who I am," the woman said.

Kya chuckled doubtingly. She was smart enough to understand that there were many possibilities that it was Avatar Korra, but to whatever she believed made her deny that immediately.

"No, no, no, no, I- I have no idea. Why should I?" Kya asked.

"Why is it so difficult to believe?" The woman asked.

"When from the moment you were born they constantly tell you that history has been erased and rewritten, you have no choice than believe them," Kya said.

"But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to find the truth," The woman said.

"I'm a scientist, this is what scientists do, searching the truth, not through beliefs, through facts. You're not real. At least you shouldn't be," Kya said.

"Kya, please-" Korra tried to say but Kya cut her.

"Get out of my head!" Kya snapped angrily.

"I can't do that,"


"Kya, you're the Avatar," Korra said.

Kya started laughing doubtingly "No, no, no, no... the Avatar Cycle never existed,"

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