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Hello and welcome to my new story. This is male reader and just adverture unless unless you some romance. Also you can request OC'S of your own as some characters, just tell me how they look, act and if you want backstory. Ps, there will be crusing and gore so yea.Anyways enjoy

Humans believe that the supernatural is fake. That their just creatures made up by people to scare them.

People who do see them just think it's their imagination. That their mind is playing tricks on them.

The people who truly believe them are the crazy one. They've seen, touch,  or had experience with them and others think their crazy.

And I didn't believe them till now.

A few weeks ago I had met and spoke with a demon before. He wouldn't have came if I did one thing, lose hope.

Everyone in my life loved me when I was just a kid. But, as I grew, they began to hate me and I have no idea why. I had perfect grade, good looks and lots of money from part time jobs.






I had so much hope that things would change, that I could have the same love I had as a kid. I hoped and tryed  so hard, but in the end it didn't even matter.

They treated me like trash, like a forgotten toy.

Do they not know how much I tried to hold on, I love them all, my friends, family, now I just have my self.

I lost so much hope so I did the next big thing, and no it's not killing myself, ran into forest.

No one looked for me, or even cared that I was gone.

That was I meant him.

He came into my dream one night, hiding in the darkness, saying things I already knew.

"Everyone hates you, wants you dead."

"I know that so why tell me."

"I can help you, your different from other mortals."

"Different, how am I different from them."

"Your not sane, your not human, your a monster."

"What do you mean, and aren't you human too."

"Haha, ME A MORTAL,haha, don't make me laugh."

"Before I show and tell you who and what I am, just let me help you."

"Let me guess, you want my soul and will kill others to get it."

"Hahaha, dude you watch too much Black Bulter, no I want your soul but I'll be living in your head, and only came out if I need to."

"So do we have a deal."

A black hand came out of nowhere, waiting for my hand.

I wish had never shoke that hand, the hand that made my life so much worst.

I should have saw that grin he had, the grin that hid something that would have killed me.

I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM.

That demon made my life so much worst. He makes me do so many bad thing but he keeps saying he hasn't  done what he wants most.






"Because I live for the suffering of human, and your suffering is better."

The Demon insideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang