Chapter 1

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Journal Entry, Day 23: I'm not sure how I got to this town called Beacon Hills but I mean at least I'm not being hunted down by any witch hunters. I guess that's okay.

I still catch myself wondering how the others are doing in Chance Harbor. Is Adam okay and has he found someone new? Does Melissa have someone? What is Faye getting into? Has she caused another thunderstorm or an actual hurricane this time? Is Jake doing alright? How is Cassie doing?

Sometimes I think of trying to find a way back to them but I just don't want to be around my sister Cassie. It's not that I don't love her or care about her...I just don't like the feeling of dark magic. I felt it once before and I never wanted to feel it again.

Diana closed the book that she had been writing in and walked out of the guest room. Some student at the Beacon Hills High School, where she had begun attending since she arrived here, had kindly offered her to stay with them. She had tried to politely decline, but Tahani had insisted. 

She walked downstairs and then grabbed her jacket off the coat rack, putting it on.

"Diana are you going out?", a voice said.

Diana turned her head towards it and saw a young girl about seventeen standing in the kitchen with her mom and dad. She smiled at them and replied, "I was just curious about this town because I hadn't been anywhere else. Is it okay if I go look around?"

"Of course it is Diana. Tahani can show you around if you want.", Tahani's mom said.

Tahani looked excited.

Diana smiled again and replied, "Sure. I would like that."

After Tahani had changed her clothes and put on her jacket, she ran downstairs and to Diana's side.

"Come on I want you to meet some friends of mine! You'll like them.", she said as she opened the door and walked out.

Diana looked at Tahani's parents and smiled once more before she followed Tahani outside, closing the door behind her.

They walked down the sidewalk, Diana listening patiently and politely as Tahani talked about the school and everything that has happened in Beacon Hills. She waited before she spoke.

"So, who are these friends of yours? Are they a were-cheetah like you or are they witches?",she asked her calmly.

"No. Scott's a true alpha werewolf. Liam is his beta and he's also a werewolf. Malia's a werecoyote and she's the other beta. Then there's Lydia who's a banshee. Stiles had been possessed by some evil thing called the Nogitsune but he's fine now.  Ezekiel is the newest member of the pack and he's another werewolf. Scott and the pack had helped me learn control over my transformation so they're kind of like my adopted older siblings.",Tahani said.

Diana blinked and pulled out her phone just as it rang. She sighed when she saw it was Cassie.

She pressed the talk button and held the phone to her ear.

"Diana? I'm sorry for doing the spell but I just didn't want you to forget that you're my sister.", Cassie said on the other line.

"Cassie I'm never going to forget that. You will always be my sister, no matter where I go.", Diana replied. She hesitated before she continued, "how is everyone?"

She heard Cassie sigh before she spoke.

"Melissa has a new boyfriend. Jake is with someone new as well and Adam....he's changed. He's not himself. He's acting weird and he even attacked Jake, Melissa, and Faye in the abandoned house. He would have killed them if I hadn't stopped him.",Cassie said.

"Okay and how did you stop him?",Diana said.

"I was the only one out of us who had enough strength left to send him through a wall. He's okay but he's injured. Our other siblings showed up at the coffee shop. They're asking for you. I have told them, we all have, that we don't know where you're at but they won't listen.",Cassie said.

Diana sighed and was silent for a moment.

"Diana?",Cassie said.

"I'm still here.  If they ask again....tell them that I'm in a town called Beacon Hills. They can come here to speak with me.", Diana replied.

"Okay and we're coming there too. We're a circle Diana and we need each other.", Cassie said.

Diana blinked and said, "Okay Cassie. I have to go. Please just make sure that the others, especially Faye, stay out of trouble."

"Okay Diana.",Cassie said.

Diana hung up her phone and put it back into the pocket of her jacket.

Tahani looked at her and said, "Are you going to be okay? You seem sad and also angry."

Diana sighed and said to her, "I'm okay. There's just a lot that's going on back home and I have no way to fix any of it. I wish I could but I can't and I hate it when I can't fix something."

Three hours later, Tahani and Diana walked up to a house that was almost out in the middle of the woods.

Tahani walked to the front door and knocked on it while Diana stood silently behind her, patiently waiting.

The door opened to reveal some guy in a dark shirt with some type of tattoo on his arm and brown eyes. He smiled at Tahani and said, "How have you been Tani?"

"Good. I made a new friend.",Tahani said as she looked at Diana.

Diana smiled politely at the guy who looked confused.

"Malia you-", he started to say when a voice who sounded like Diana's came from inside the house.

"Yeah Scott?", it said. Just then a person who looked exactly like Diana came into view and she blinked as she stared at Diana.

"Who are you and why do you look like me?", she said.

"I'm Diana and I'm not sure why we look alike. This is just too much to handle right now so I'm just gonna go.", Diana said as she turned around and started to walk away.

"Hey wait!", the girl who looked like her said.

Diana stopped and turned around to her.

"I'm not sure why we look the same either but maybe Scott can help us figure that out.",the girl said.

"Okay. I think that would be good. Who are you?", Diana said.

"Malia.", Malia said.

Diana smiled and then looked at the house where Scott was talking on the phone to someone.

"Who's he talking to?" she asked, a little curious.

Malia looked as well and said, being able to hear him, "Stiles. He thinks that you and I might be twins."

Diana and Malia looked back at each other as Diana spoke, "Twins?"

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