Chapter Three

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'The smell of it was nice to walk into, especially when it was nice and cool inside. Seventy degrees inside and eighty-five outside with a high percentage of humidity. I don't know what percent but it was almost too much for me to just sit there. I need to find a new scent, something a little better. This smell is getting a little old.' I thought to myself.

We took our shoes off as soon as Lily closed the door in behind her. We made our way into the kitchen in silence. I got the coffee maker ready for some glorious coffee that was much needed. Lily and I sat down at the kitchen table and we looked at each other. The clock that was in the kitchen, I could hear it go *tick-tock* and it sounded so loud.

I took a deep breath and finally told her "His name is Allen and he's a vampire hunter. I think. I don't know. He could be one. He said that he is."

She stared at me and tilted her head to one side. "His name is Allen and you think he's a vampire hunter and you believe him because he said he's a vampire hunter." she said to me before shaking her head in a no motion. "Nice outfit by the way to do some investigating that lead to sex." She said with a smile.

"I know, I know. I pretty much slept with a stranger. I had the urge and it was bad okay. Like really bad." I exclaimed. "He also had a way of looking into your soul! He made me so weak. He makes me melt."

"You little tramp. Getting action and I'm not. I'm jealous." she said with a light laugh. "Still though, you go girl!"

I got up from the table and made us cups of coffee and sat back down. The warm coffee mug was a nice comforting feeling. I felt much at ease after my first sip. Lily enjoyed the comfort as well. After I told her some explicit details, she got even more jealous.

We chatted for about an hour or so about gardening. I got jealous of her for having an awesome vegetable garden.

"Lily, how do you do it? I can't even grow a tomato plant. I'm able to grow flowers just like that but when it comes to veggies and fruits, forget it. You might as well just starve. My rabbits don't even bother because my seedlings haven't even sprouted. They are taking forever or the birds found them." I told in a depressing tone of voice.

"I don't even bother growing mine from a seed unless I have to girl. I buy tomato plants and bell pepper plants. I plant okra, chili pepper, and banana pepper seeds." she told me.

We chatted more about gardening and gossiped a little about the one neighbor who appears to be a hoarder and doesn't take good care of her lawn all that well either. Before we knew it, it was already two in the afternoon. Lily had to tend to her garden. I had to tend to mine as well or it will turn out to be like I never had one. Which is really sad because I want one just like my Grandmother had.

"Bye Lilly, I'll talk to you later if anything interesting happens." I told her as she walked down the stairs.

"See ya, Amelia. I can hardly wait." She exclaimed and laughter escaped. We waved bye one last time.

I headed back inside, locked the front door and walked to the kitchen. Time to bake pizza for an early dinner. 'It's about time I get you in my stomach.' I told the pizza. I was bound and determined to eat it. I set the oven at 425 degrees and got the cookie sheet ready. I wanted a soft pizza crust for a change.

I walked over to my computer and turned it on. 'Let's get some music playing.' I thought to myself. The computer started up and I logged in. I went to my Spotify and then to my 'Discover Weekly' area and clicked play. The song "Die with You" by Eden Mary began to play for soft background music. I sat in my chair and closed my eyes to let my mind wander. 'His cold brown eyes locking onto my hazel eyes. Feeling his fingers go up my spine. His soft lips being placed all over my neck. My face up against the cold wall as he stands behind me. I feel his fingers grip onto my hair and he whispered in my ear 'I need you. You and I were always meant to be.'

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