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Sorry if this doesn't match up with previous preferences/chapters, I just write sibling ones when I have writers block to anything else.

(just a reminder if i didn't make it clear enough in the intro, most of these preferences are aged up. so assume that the campers are about 15-17. counselors about 17-20<< just imagine they can be that young)

- David's your uncle (sorry it seems kinda predictable lmao, also just imagine he has siblings since they never mention it), a younger brother (7), an older brother (18), and a younger sister (2)
- David adores how happy you make Max
- ^^ and obviously he approves of anyone who makes his niece just as happy
- your younger siblings actually love Max
- your brother play wrestles him all the time and your baby sister shouts "Ma" (like max without the x) whenever she sees him
- older brother instincts kick in at first, but he's fine with it after a while

(pt.1) Nikki:
- an older brother (19) and two older sisters (17 and 22)
- all your siblings are cool with it
- your brother and your youngest older sister take you guys on outdoor expeditions every now and then
- by the end of the day, your siblings and girlfriend have ended up dragging you through everything

- Nikki
- "you like Neil?"
- then again, Neil is just as confused as to how you and Nikki are sisters at all
- she's glad that you're at least dating one of your shared best friends cause she trusts him
- "but if you guys get all hansy like Mom did with Neil's dad that one time, i'm gonna slap your boyfriend Y/N"

- Jasper
- both boys are delighted
- "your sister is my girlfriend!"
- "and your girlfriend is my sister!"
- *loud gasps*
- "does this mean we're gonna be-"
- "bRoThEr-In-LaWs?!1?2!1?!2?1!"
- ^^Gwen records them dancing around while you slam your head against the wall

-  a younger sister (8) and a twin brother
-  your sister wanted to marry him at first, but quickly backed off and accepted that he's your boyfriend (she now demands to be part of your wedding)
-  your brother steals him from you
-  "you had him yesterday, it's guys night" which roughly translates to "i'm stealing your mans, he's my bitch now"
-  also demands to be part of your wedding

- a younger brother (10)
- wants to be Harrison's "apprentice"
- Harrison is lowkey terrified since he still remembers the incident with his own brother
- you guys help him calm down though, he gradually adjusts to your brother's presence and ends up enjoying teaching him

- a younger sister (7 months)
- she doesn't really have a solid opinion since she's so young
- as far as you guys have seen, she hasn't cried yet, so you take it that she probably likes him
- Preston, on the other hand, adores her
- "Y/N when are we gonna have kids!?"
- "Preston we're not even 18 yet"

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