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April 23rd 2018

  That's the thing about people like me,
We let go faster than we should.

Smile more, even when we know we can't.
See the glass half empty, rather than half full.

Kill ourselves from inside,
But stand in front of the others,
Hiding our scars.

Act strong, because it helps.
Hide the answers to their questions ,
Not realising how much our eyes speak.

You and me,
We're the same.

It's just that,
I can't stay,
And you can't leave.
And that's how our story is...

Days pass away in blur, me not having had realised what I had done, but It had to be done.
I had to be done taking away your peace,your sanity, your equanimity.
It hurts now, it always did. The thought of putting you through something as bad as this kills me everytime.
You tried so hard making me stay, but how could you make the death of us stay.
Death doesn't wait.
It simply doesn't.
Now, I lay alone on my bed, thinking of all things we randomly texted about, the random stupidity you have.
It takes me back to the times when we were Happy and merry.
Now it seemed to have lost.
I apologise for having ended everything within us..
I apologise for never coming back home.
I apologise for having pupetted with your feelings.
I apologise for not sticking around.
But I have my reasons and they're justified enough.
No matter how hard I try to accept the fact that maybe, for an instance maybe I could be the one for you.
But I know not.
Definitely not.

I wonder,
all the time why do voices
from lands unknown spin in my head,
Gamble with my brain,
Rattle my inhibitions.
I wonder,
I wonder if I'd wake up the next day.
Death is what I live with,
Life is what I die with.....


Docket to a better person

✓.Stop messing.
People don't need your bullshit at their doorstep.
you've messed up sometimes seems like an insurmountable feat. Especially because it can be embarrassing to be in the wrong and have to draw further attention to that. 
Don't let people get to you.


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