The Journey

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After 6 stressful hours of watching the waves swish up and down and looking  around you just to see one view. Since I it was foggy we could not  see one thing just the sky and sea. I began to get nervous and awfully worried in case something could go wrong. But right now I have to stay strong ha considering there literly know where to go I mean I'm on a boat surround by deep sea. Mother began to get sea sick I know that for a fact i turned around and looked at her face. It was ghostly pale it's like her heart stopped working it was really frightening just to look at her in case she collapse. About an hour later me and the family saw something out in the open it was massive. I thought it was a british carrier ship but it looked bigger. A few seconds went by and I heard the deep loud voice from the captain of the boat " there it is the island where nothing seriously bad happens and where you can relax!" " about time it's been hours possibly days haha I haven't seen land in ages!" Shouted farther as he rose from his half broken chair walking to the front slowly losing balance.

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