crossed war

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A week later, everything that me and
my family thought was the best holiday ever was actually not true.

It was the morning after John's birthday when something petcherifing happened let me tell you from the start. It was  Tuesday morning, waking up from one of the best days ever. I went down stairs to get food and go outside to play football with John and Jamie it was an amazing time we had so much fun. Until we my farther heard a noise it wasn't a any sound like a boat dropping people off at the island it sounded like a plane.  My farther opened the window and looked up. And since my farther was in the war he knows what type of planes there were. John looked around curious and really confused " whats that awfully loud noise it's driving me insane!" Shouted John. As it got louder and louder. We continued playing until farther shouted at the top of his lungs " EVERYONE INSIDE NOW!" At this point we were all scared because we have no idea what's going on at all but we ran as fast as we could. Mother ran to farther cowardly and in a quiet and terrified voice " what's happening?" " Germany and Russia are going to fight right where we are standing I afraid this is war and there's no way getting of this island " farther hopelessly answered. I thought to my self this is it I'm going to die. I looked down at my hand and clenched it as hard as I could and tried to think of a way out of here. But I couldn't think my nerves took over me I thought I was going to be sick. But I tried my best to stay strong and I tried to keep my family sane so they can focus and try to stay calm. It was hardest thing I've ever had to do. The too armys landed the island and rushed to the middle to fight. The only thing was me and my family was in the middle.

Two long hours later of gun shots and explosions. We had to move or we will die so we opened the door slowly and snuck around the houses and shops to try and hide but there was no where at all. We all rushed over to the docks to see if there were any boat just to make sure. But just as we thought there was none. We were stuck. We pushed forward to the restaurant where we thought will be safer considering it out the way of the battle. we couldn't be more wrong there was a armed German troop standing in the building and face our way as soon as the door opened. My family and I started to panic as he shouted for for back up. All of us turned around and went to run but it was too late. There were troops behind us blocking our path. They grabbed us firmly and one by one dragged us to a in the open and tide all the family's hands with rope then pinned us against the wall and made us neel down. The Germans stood back and the captain walked towards us all with a luger in his right hand. My heart dropped and my face went pale like I'm already dead. The German captain drawed his gun and aimed it at my farther. BANG! The first shot went off and my farther dropped down on the floor with blood   spilling from his head."NOOOOOO!" Mother cried. BANG! I looked to my left and my mother was also on the floor. Jamie looked at the German captain and shouted " you evil monst!"BANG! Jamie didn't even get to finish his last words. I looked down and blood was everywhere blood of my own family. I looked up back at John and he looked at me. I listened to him as he said he final words " I'm sorry Tom good bye brother" BANG! He dropped to the floor like the others . I looked up and I saw a gun pointing at my head. I took a deep breath and said this is it BANG! I breathed out as rubel hit me. I opened my eyes and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was the British and the US army here to save any survivors. They picked me up and cut the rope around my hands. They took my to a boat and  left the island with a bunch of other survivors.

I made it, I survived, but my family didn't.

My name is Tom hullerway and this was my story.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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