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Over the past few months things had been quiet much to Dorhum's suprise

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Over the past few months things had been quiet much to Dorhum's suprise. He was expecting an attack any time soon but every day was peacefull and enjoyable. Rikana was carefull due to her pregrancy but that didn't stop her from creating potions and casting spells. She was enjoying the current freedom she had from Dorhum to act as she wished even though he was worried about her well being and about their son.

- How are we going to call him once he's born? Rikana asked and Dorhum shook his head.

- I don't know but... I have a surprise for you. He said and Rikana raised an eyebrow, he slowly took her hand and led her down to the entrance of the castle where she found a large pannel right above the door, rose petals on the floor and a large ice statue that showed Dorhum, Rikana and Estelle. Rikana looked at the pannel and her eyes widen as she saw what the writing said.


- I... uh... I don't know what to say. She said while she felt her heart pounding.

- You can say a "yes" or a "no". Dorhum said as he embraced her from behind.

- Dorhum... I never imagined you'd actually ask me that... 

- Well, I did. Since you are to bear my children I want you to be protected and respected, marriage as far as I know will help you and our children earn respect, one way or another. He answered and Rikana smiled. 

- True so... yeah.

- Hm?

- I said yes, I will marry you. She replied and Dorhum smiled as he pulled her closer. The two of them spent a few seconds looking at each other until...

- HELP!!!! A voice shouted from outside, it was Agiel! Dorhum rushed as Rikana stayed behind, he changed forms midway and once he got out he saw his friend and his sister on the ground, their bodies fately wounded and... Estelle was missing!!! Dorhum's mind was trying to prioritize but his instincts took over as he flew off to find the kidnapper and give him a piece of his mind. He looked everywhere but found no sign that could lead him to someone. Now he began to panic even more as millions of pictures entered his mind about what could have happened to the baby. He had to find her... no matter what he had to find his daughter.

Meanwhile down in Hell things took a sudden twist. Satan was gazing at a large table for sacrifices where a certain female hybrid infant was placed as if she was an offer. The little creature was staring straight back at him with wide eyes, she didn't move nor cry. She just watched. Satan smiled as he recalled how he managed to sneak inside the palace and snatch the baby away from these traitors, Agiel and Dragona. He knew that soon enough Dorhum would be here since this was his daughter... but the child wouldn't be alive by then. He slowly got closer and reached out towards the little girl, as he was about to grab her tiny hand a shield appeared and thunder striked him, coursing through his body and tormenting him, he wasn't able to even growl when a large number of black and white hands pushed him away sending him to the nearby wall. He looked at the infant shocked... how could she do such magic? He wondered, however soon after closer inspection he saw that it wasn't the baby that used magic, it was her mother who had casted that spell. 

- So they knew something like that might happen. Satan said and examined the baby again, maybe he shouldn't kill her, maybe he should turn her into a slave to serve him. His mind already picturing the daughter of the King of Beasts groveling before him, that made him laugh as he also realised he could also use her against Dorhum in many ways. He summoned one of his brides to take the child away only for her head to be chopped off, it roled down the stone floor and barely touched Sata's feet, he looked up and saw Dorhum glaring at him with so much hatred... no one had ever seen so much hatred in one gaze, no one could ever hope to achieve this level of bloodlust Dorhum had reached right now. He roared and charged at Satan, he dodged and grabbed Dorhum by the neck only to be kicked in the stomach as he slowly raised Dorhum from the ground. The King of Beasts left another roar before sinking his teeth on Satan's shoulder and pushed him on a wall, the two of them began punching each other and at times they used magic in an effort to eliminate each other, Estelle was left unguarded as another bride attempted to take her away before she was sliced in half, a new demon now standing before the child, a succubus. She was the seventy ninth daughter of Isora, Beatrice the fierce, she hated her mother for always looking down on her and using her for all kinds of purposes, Beatrice held a large amount of gratitude and admiration towards Dorhum and Rikana equally, she was also Agiel's current lover as she had enjoyed his schemes and silent assasination in the dark of the night, their sexual unions were limited but when they did happen she enjoyed them to the fullest since she was a succubus.

- Don't worry little one, I'll take you back to your mother. Beatrice said soothingly as she raised Estelled and took her in her arms before flying back on the surface, Dorhum saw the succubus and before Satan could comprehent the situation he was stabbed in the chest and was forced on the ground. Dorhum chased after the Beatrice, unaware of her intentions, he almost caught up to her before she turned and after she took a good look on his face she handed him the baby.

- Why? Dorhum said coldly as suspicions took over his mind, he knew who Beatrice was and he was ready to attack if he sensed something was wrong with her.

- First of all, because you killed my mother, something I planned to do anyway, another reason is because me and Agiel are a thing. She said and Dorhum raised and eyebrow, he couldn't see anything that would prove she wasn't honest so for now, he was going to let her live.

- This way. He said as he flew ahead of her, his eyes stuck on his daughter, he wouldn't let her out of his sight again.

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