Truth or Dare

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Gryffindor had won the Quidditch Cup. The Gryffindor common room was abuzz with excitement. There was screaming, singing and celebrating and it was long gone lights out. The Marauders were at the centre of the madness, craziest of them all.

I sat in the corner studying. Trying to block the noise from my head and focus on the assignment in front of me.

List the uses of gilyweed in everyday wizarding life...

I couldn't concentrate. Gryffindor flags and balloons littered the room and tiny quidditch players on tiny brooms whizzed around students heads.

 My eyes fell on a particular head of scruffy black hair. A tan hand ran through it messing it up even more. I smiled slightly. I loved it when he did that, it's why I hated it. 

His head bobbed up and down as he and Sirius jumped and danced like little girls. I let out a small laugh. James looked at me, his hazel eyes glinting. I looked away sharpish, sure that my cheeks had enflamed.

Suddenly, Sirius yelled. "Why don't we play a muggle party game?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah Lily, teach us a muggle game." Peter quipped in excitedly looking to James for recognition.

His eyes were on mine, sparkling. Noticing my hesitation he put on his big puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist. Though I'd never admit it.

"Fine. We can play truth or dare." I got some confused glances. I grinned, they didn't know half the fun. Me and Tuney and our friends played it all the time at home. But obviously that was before. 

I laughed, pushing memories away and quickly explained the rules to everyone.

Sirius let out an evil laugh, leaving me wondering what I had gotten myself into. Why, oh , why did I think it was a good idea to play truth or dare with the marauders?

We sat in a circle; James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas and I. The rest had sensibly gone to bed, unaware of the madness that was about to occur.

Sirius began. "Prongsie, truth or dare?"

James' eyes flickered to mine before blurting out, "Dare."

"I dare you to..." Sirius had an evil grin on his face. "Drink our firewhisky!"

James paled. I laughed. What was the worst that could happen. Was James really that much of a lightweight?

Sirius ran up to the boys dormitory, returning with a bottle of orange liquid. I summoned a glass and Sirius poured a small amount into the glass. James downed it in one. 

His face was hilarious as it lit up with pain. He started screaming and breathing flames. I laughed so much my sides were almost bursting. His face!

Remus muttered a spell under his breath and James' face returned to normal though it had a slight tinge of green still.

"Aw, what did you do that for?" Sirius whined. 

Remus just shrugged. "James its your turn."

"Yes, it is." James glared at Sirius. "Marlene, truth or dare."

"Umm... Dare."

"I dare you to sit on Sirius' lap for the rest of the game." Marlene blushed.Sirius blushed also. Aww they were so adorable. Marlene had like Sirius for ages, but did not want to get her heart broken by his playerish ways.

I winked at Marlene and she glared back. "I'm going to get you." She mouthed. I was actually quite worried. Marlene could be scary sometimes!

"Lily, truth or dare?" Marlene asked after she had got comfortable on Sirius' lap.

"Truth." I said, feeling nervous.

"Who was your first kiss?" 

I looked at her shocked. She already knew and I wasn't going to be telling the Marauders, especially Potter.

"I decline." I stated firmly.

"I thought that wasn't allowed." Peter piped in.

"She'll have to do a dare instead." Sirius answered. I was relieved, it couldn't be anywhere near as embarrassing. 

"Okay then Lily." Marlene grinned evilly. "I dare you to kiss James Potter."

Sirius laughed. Peter shifted uncomfortably. Remus tried to hide his smile. Potter grinned, his face flushed. 

I rolled my eyes. No way did I have to do this. This couldn't be fair. Marlene knew I hated James and that he repulsed me. 

All he'd ever done is pester me, asking me out every minute of every day. I'd refused him countless times.

I thought back to all the times he had purposefully got on my nerves, winding me up. Playing pranks, teasing, flirting, he made me sick. Though sometimes I feel I saw him in a different light. Kind smiles across the classroom when nobody is looking and sticking up for me when Severus is being especially rotten.

My thoughts were interrupted by lips on mine. Soft and warm, they made me feel at home. I forgot what was happening and kissed back, running my hands through his soft, soft hair. My eyes were closed, in complete bliss. Wow, Potter was a good kisser.

I opened my eyes in shock, pushing away the beautiful boy kissing me. The room was silent, my shock probably evident on my face. 

Then the room erupted as Sirius' catcalls filled the silence. The marauders and my friends all began laughing and talking animatedly. 

I didn't hear a word though as I got lost in the hazel eyes of James Potter, questioning.

I smiled and pulled his face to mine, kissing him with everything I had.


This is my first time at writing fanfiction so please go easy!

Please leave any ideas in the comments and I will definitely check them out. I will try to reply as soon as possible.

Also please feel free to suggest any improvements but please be nice!

A x

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