10 Things

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1) I hate it when you run your hand through your hair, making it look so messy and soft and making me want to run my hands through it, to mess it up more.

2) I hate the way you laugh, with your whole face, as your eyes light up and twinkle and your hair bounces and falls into your face. 

3) I hate it when you ask me out every day, when I really want to say yes, but am so used to saying no, how it makes me think about you all the time.

4) I hate it how you stand up for me, when Severus insults me and makes me sad, you are always there for me, to do what I am too scared to do.

5) I hate it when you smirk at me and show your beautiful dimples, your eyes laugh at me behind your glasses, daring and insistent.

6) I hate it when you prank and embarrass me, when all the attention is on me, and you.

7) I hate it when you're nice, genuine and real, you smile and laugh softly, when its only me and you, you're yourself and I am too afraid to be me.

8) I hate it when you're mad at me, when I have pranked you or done you harm, I feel so guilty and hurt and I miss your joking smiles.

9) I hate the way that you love me, look at me like I'm perfect, like I am your world, putting on the pressure to make me feel so small.

10) I hate that I love you and I will never be your perfect girl.


1) I love it when you wrinkle your nose when you're concentrating or thinking hard.

2) I love it when your beautiful ginger hair falls into your face when you feel embarrassed or scared.

3) I love your eyes that are a beautiful, emerald green and when you are angry they turn dark and cloudy.

4) I love it when you cheer and scream for me when I'm on the quidditch pitch, I think it makes me win.

5) I love it when you smile when you are truly happy, you're eyes go wide and fill with excitement.

6) I love it when you're mad at me and all your attention is on me.

7) I love it when you call my name, always Potter, never James.

8) I love it when you raise your hand in class, so eager and excited.

9) I love it when you laugh at me when I'm being stupid 'cause I love that I can make you happy.

10) I'd love you even more though if you'd say I love you back, but I know that will never happen, you would never love me. 


I hope you liked this! I know is a it random and not really a one shot but I liked the idea of writing about what James and Lily see (and don't see) in each other!

Please comment on what you think.


A x

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