Mission impossible part 2

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Lucys Pov

We were walking through the forest and it should only take about a two days to get to the next city and then about a half day to get to crystalline city.

We've been walking for hours and my feet started to hurt.

"Natsu can we set up camp,my feet hurt!" I told him.

"Sure,If your feet get any worse tell me and I'll Carry you." he said.

"N-no I'm fine." I said looking down and blushing.

I really wasn't though I could tell my feet were blistered bad.

Natsu's Pov

We stopped and set up camp. Lucy, went to the small river to get water. we only brought one tent,so I set it up. what's good it that it was a magic tent, so it looked small, but on the inside it was as big as Lucy's apartment.(a/n like the ones in Harry Potter)

When Lucy, got back the sun started to set so we ate a wild boar I killed on the way went to sleep.

Time skip Crystalline

City Lucy Pov

"We finally made it, next time we're taking the train natsu."Lucy said

"Fine," he said with a pale face.

We found the mayor's

Palace and a maid showed us to his study.

"You must be the wizards who took my request, correct?" the mayor said.

Me and Natsu nodded are heads.

"Well there are a group of thieves stealing important star artifacts from are museum, as you know there leader is a very powerful Mage." he said. "There hideout is in the old ware house North of the museum. Can you stop them and get the artifacts back?" he said

"Aye!" me and Natsu said in synchronized voices.

"You are dismissed!"

We found the warehouse were he said it would be and it looked like something out of a horror movie.

We went inside and there were about 12 people. Me and Natsu Quickly begun to fight them, I called Taurus while Natsu used his Fire dragons roar. they were quickly defeated, so we looked for the leader. We found two locked wooded doors, an Natsu broke through them and we saw a boy with dark magic surrounding him.

"Hello you guys must be from FairyTail." he said.

Natsu Pov

"Yea, who are you?" I asked.

"Glad you asked I'm Blueberry, from the book of Zeref" he replied.

Me and Lucy started to laugh uncontrollably. "W-what a dumb name." I exclaimed though fits of laughter.(ps I'm really bad at fight scenes) " oh shut up!" he said while sending. Blast at Lucy.

"Lucy!" I screamed running at her. But was to Late, she got hit and passed out.

"Your gonna pay for what you did to Lucy!" I screamed, my whole body lit on fire.

I started hitting him but he dodged except for the few lucky blows I got. he sent a small blue ball of fire at me so I ate it.

"Hahaha, bad mistake, that fire drained a wizards magic power down to almost nothing." he said as he was saying that everything was turning black till there was nothing. the last thing I saw was Lucy waking up.

Lucy's Pov

I started waking up only to see Natsu passed out, that's when I saw the demon jump out the window so I followed it into the forest.

I tracked for 30 minutes but I got lost at some point that's when I saw a cave, so I went up to it. that's when I saw a beautiful rainbow scaled dragon appear.

"What is your name?" It said.

"L-Lucy Heartifilia" I replied.

"Lucy huh, would you like to become stronger?"

I just nodded my head.

"My name is Elly, the elemental dragon, I shall train you."

I nodded. that's when she opened up a portal and told me to go through, so we went through and as I did we came to a beautiful island.

"This is where you will be come the strongest elemental dragon slayer." Elly said then we flew off.

Finished the chapter!

Was it good minasan?

Disclaimer: I do not own FairyTail or the characters!

My next book will be a parody for JErza!

Until next time


Lucy The Elemental Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now