3: What's Wrong?

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So instead of doing 'Mary Margaret's P.O.V" I will be doing 'Snow's P.O.V' now. Also if you didn't know what P.O.V means, it means/Stand for "Point Of View". (Baby Neal doesn't exist in this fanfic BTW ;/                                                                             ---------------------------

Snow's P.O.V

As I watched Emma drift off to sleep in mine and David's bed, what if the curse was never cast... I thought to myself. We (as in me and charming) would have watched baby Emma fall asleep in our arms. She would play in the garden, go horseback riding, learn to sword fight and we would've gone to balls together as a family... As I thought about these scenarios I shed slight tear.

I wiped the tear of my left cheek and watched a movie on low sound so that I wouldn't wake Emma. After the movie ended it was already 5:06pm. "Well I guess David will be arriving soon... And that means I have to tell him about Emma." I quietly said to myself.

Later (5:15pm)...

I heard the door knob being twisted as I sat on the couch and waited for my handsome prince to walk in. "Hey Snow" David said as he walked up to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

Charming's P.O.V

After I gave Snow a light but loving peck o the lips I walked up and hanged my coat on the hanger. As I turned back to face Snow, I noticed that she had a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong Snow?" "It's Emma..." She said almost whispering. "Emma? What about her?"  "She's very Sick David." She said as she pointed towards our bed, which had a sleeping Emma in it.

"But she said she only had a small headache, did she lie to me,.. Again?" "Oh, I'm sorry David." Said Snow in a very reassuring voice. I can't believe she thinks that she cam't tell me the truth. Well I did upset her,.. But this isn't the first time she's lied to me. 

No One's P.O.V

Snow and Charming heard a faint groan as they stare at Emma in fascination, while she  rubbed her barely open eyes and massaged her temples, never sitting up or opening her eyes. As soon as they realized that she was awake they ran to their bed which Emma laid in.

Emma's P.O.V

 I opened my eyes still feeling that sensation of an anvil in my head and my stomach long gone. But I ignored that trying to work out who the two blurry figure in front of me were before I heard on of the figures say, "Hey, Emma. Did you have a good nap?--How do yo feel?--Do you need any--..." "Y-yeah I'm fine." I said cutting off my mother with my dad behind her.

As I started to sit up I felt a heavy wave of nausea hit me. Which caused me to throw up all over the covers of my parents bed. I felt so embarrassed, I could already feel my cheeks heating up and turning red. "I-I'm so sorry..." I said genuinely. "Oh, no Emma that's alright," my father said as he helped my out of the bed, while Snow started filling up a bath I assumed because of the sound.

As the bath noise had just started Snow came back and helped me walk into the bathroom and in the warm bath she had just run for me. While my dad was in his room changing the covers and throwing the dirty ones into the laundry.   

  After my mom helped my out of the bath and dressed into a white tanked top and red pyjama pant with black vertical lines on them. We walked out of the bathroom to see my dad worried face as he came up to me, hugged me and helped me back into their bed. As Snow grabbed a bucket and placed it on the floor to the right of the bed, encase I needed to throw up again. I thanked them both as they hugged me so tight I could barely breath. "Okay. Thanks, Uhh- can you let me breath though?" I said with a slight  giggle as they let go of me.

I then went to sleep for the rest of the night while both my parents slept in my bed.

David's P.O.V

I woke up during the night to screaming and crying coming from downstairs... I quickly checked the time 2:07am, and ran down the stairs and to where my bed was. It was Emma screaming and crying in her sleep.

"Emma wake up! It's just a nightmare, Wake up Em!" I yelled as I shook her awake, as she shot up my wife Snow came running down the stairs.

Snow's P.O.V

 "OMG Emma, David are you guys okay? I heard Screaming and yelling so I ran dow--"  I started to say as I saw Emma sobbing into David's shoulder, as he calmed her down. "Shh, Em it was just a nightmare" he said as I went to turn on the lamp which was located on the bedside table. 

"NO!" Emma exclaimed. As my head shot towards Emma who's face was covered in tears. "What do you mean Em?" "I mean it wasn't just a nightmare... I-it was something else-- something different." She muttered especially the last part, but it was loud enough for me and David to shoot worried expressions at each other.

Emma's P.O.V

This nightmare-- Dream-- Vision, whatever the hell it was, it was different I don't know how to explain it but... I just don't know... "So then what was it?" My mother asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm not completely sure..." I said truthfully "You know you can tell us anything, right?" My dad said. "Y-yeah I know, I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow morning. Because right now I think the best thing for me is sleep."

"Of course. We love you Em!" My mother said in a loving tone. "I love you guys too" I said as they both kissed me on my forehead. After they left I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about that woman that I was trapped in some sort of Ice Cave with...


Sorry I know this part is kind of short, but I really wanted to end this part with a cliffhanger so yeah XD Also don't forget to, LIke, Vote and comment your thoughts and ideas <3 Also a mini SwanQueen moment coming, so stay tuned for that!

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