Part 17 - Trapped

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Cheryl's POV ~

Toni and I were going strong. We were the 'It' couple and everyone adored us together. Everyone except my mummy and Uncle Claudius. I could handle them not liking Toni. I mean, they aren't that important. It's not like they would do anything to either of us, right?

"Good morning Toni, my love." I say and take Toni by the hand. "Morning Cheryl. How's things at home? Has your mum cooled down yet?" She asks and tilts my head back up because I was now staring at the floor. "Nope. She still hates me and you. I don't even understand why!" I screech, getting angry. Toni looks apologetic but I don't want sympathy so I put on a fake smile. "You don't have to plaster a smile over your face. You may have mastered the skill of looking fine. I however see right through you, your hurting." Toni leans into me and because she is a lot shorter than I am, she rests her head into the crook of my neck. "You truly know how to calm me down and I can tell you. No one has ever been able to do that before." I smile. Toni smiles too and she says, "Well that's good then because I would hate it if someone else could do it." I think back to my childhood and I remember all those times where Nana Rose would dress me in Jay Jay's clothes and Jay Jay in mine. If Jay Jay had been able to calm me, my mummy and I probably wouldn't have argued as much as we do. When Jay Jay died, I was traumatized and even if I was a horrible person before. multiply that by a hundred and you get how angry, sad and horrible I was after.  Toni waves her hand in front of my face which pulls me out my thoughts. "Sorry. I was just thinking about Jay Jay." I say and look an uncomfortable Toni in the eyes. "Its okay. Are you?" Toni says and kisses my cheek. "I wasn't but I am now, Thank you. Let's get to Biology." I smile and start walking, still hand in hand with Toni.

On our way to Biology a new kid walked over  to me and asked me to take them somewhere. Normally I would laugh in their face and say my usual no but Toni looked at me smiling and I couldn't help but agree. Toni walked off to Biology and she agreed to tell our teacher that I might be late. "So where are you going?" I ask the girl. "The janitors closet please. I left my bag with the janitor so I could get it when I needed it." The girl says innocently. I nod and take her to Svensons cupboard. When we got there the girl stood still. "Aren't you getting it?" I asked harshly. She shook her head and shoved my head into the concrete wall. No one was around just us 2. Before I blacked out I could feel her tugging me into the closet.

I woke up with a terrible headache. I was expecting to open my eyes and see the school nurse standing next to me, checking my pulse and taking my temperature but I couldn't feel her stubby fingers on my wrist. Nor could I feel a thermometer in my mouth. Before I opened my eyes I say up. Regretting it instantly I laid back down, prying my eyes open just before I rested my thumping head on the floor. "Jesus. That new girl." I whisper to myself. "What about me?" A girls voice says. "You did this. Your why I'm stuck in here." I shout regretting it again because it didn't help my headache. "Maybe I am. Want these tablets? They will help with your headache." She cackles. I stare at her but I take the tablets she's holding in her hand. "Got any water?" I ask closing one eye so I can focus. "Nope. You may need to find some. You'll be here for a while. I have hidden a water bottle with a key attached in here somewhere. Find it and you can take your headache tablets with some water and escape. So if you try taking the tablets without water, you won't escape here." The girl cackles maliciously. It's either my imagination or she sounded like a crazy woman. "Why me?" I ask innocently. "Because you tortured me and don't even remember. Maybe if I tell you I was fat before." She replies calmly but emphasizes the word fat.

"Ethel!" I shout hoping someone would hear me. "You can shout all you want but it's Friday evening so by the time someone hears you. They won't be hearing your voice, it will be the shout of Svenson when he finds your dead body." Ethel speaks and walks out the door, locking it behind her. Meaning I was now...


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