Chapter 17

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I was in a coma for almost 3 weeks. The doctors didn't know why my organs started to fail. But I do. I had lost my will to come back to this world, I took everyone and everything for granted. It just seemed so much easier to die. But I won't make that mistake again.

The control center was finally up and running and Ana sued the lumber company that created the damage. We weren't in need in money but she wanted revenge for almost losing me. I know she doesn't admit it but she was scared too. Tommy told me that one time she wanted alone time with me while I laid unconscious on my hospital bed. I wish I could have heard what she said to me. I also found out that Jenna came several times, she brought me the white roses I had woken up too. She was the one that informed Daniel of my condition. It had been a week since I had woken up and sometimes I was scared to go to sleep. I had this paranoia that if I fall asleep, I won't wake up. Ana says it's perfectly normal, I went through a traumatic event. I checked the clock. It read 4:10. I turned to face Tommy. He was lightly snoring. Molly told me he hadn't slept a lot while I was In the coma. I guess he's now catching up. I got up slowly so that I didn't disturb his slumber. I opened the closet and pulled out some running shorts, a light sweater and my tennis shoes. In Washington it was warm in during the day but morning and nights were a bit chilly.

Nobody was up. The house was silent and calm. I opened up the fridge and took out a shake. I chugged it down so that I could at least have something to burn off. I wrapped my hair in a bun and put on gloves. The air stung my exposed face and legs. It was a feeling I actually liked, it meant I was alive.

I stretched my legs and was off. My running path was from here to the highway. The scenery on the way was beautiful. I passed by a lake and a dozen big oak and pine trees. The noise I feared once, I enjoyed. The leaves crunching under my feet. When I first began running here when we left home, the noise reminded me of my nightmares. Chasing that damn alien in the woods to save my loved ones. My mind wandered to the invasion and before I knew it I was at the highway. I stopped to take a breather, turned and went back. This time I was thinking of Daniel.

When I came home, the house was still silent. I was kinda hoping for that. Everyone liked sleeping in till 10, but I had a feeling it will be later.

"Claire?" I looked up from untying my shoes and say Ana.

"Your up early" I said.

"I can say the same to you" she laughed.

"Yeah I slept for 3 weeks, I think I'm good for a bit" I joked.

"Can I make you some coffee?" I wanted to refuse but I know Ana wants to feel helpful. She felt so helpless as I laid in a coma.

"Sure, I'm just gonna shower and I'll be right back" I said. She smiled, "okay."

I walked over to my room and saw Tommy still sleeping. I went into the bathroom and made the water hot. It was comforting.

"All done?" Asked Ana.

"Yeah, wow that smells good" I said as I dried my hair with the towel.

"I had some extra time while you showered so I finally used the cappuccino machine" she smirked. She passed me a round white mug, the sweet cream looked so delicate on top. I took a sip and it melted my chills away.

"Mmm... It's wonderful, Ana. Thank you." She smiled and sipped at her own mug.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"Sure. Want some help?" I asked.

"It's okay, I can't sleep. I'll make some omelets" she started to take the eggs and vegetables out of the fridge.

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