Teach Me: Chapter 1

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"They told you to be careful since you're sweater is white" I smiled to myself again knowing I'd read that question already

"Okay, hold on"

I looked up from my phone as Solar leaned away to grab an apron "then you'll be covering Yongkong Byulkong" I protested

"Oh yeah" she smiled to herself before putting it back. I leaned forward and punched her playfully on the back "that's true"

For the next few minutes I kept reading out questions and Solar started to mix up our food. We've been here for a little over five minutes but already time is moving too fast. This seems to happen a lot when I'm around Solar. It could be because of her feminine perfume that isn't too strong but enough to get me addicted to her smell. Or the fact that her silky black hair falls perfectly down her shoulders and back. Or her smooth milky skin that's softer than any other cotton or fabric I've ever felt. Or it could be the way she looks at me like I'm her whole world. Or how she unashamedly touches me in public and in front of the cameras. Shit.

"You look like our language teacher, Yongsun unnie" I read aloud from my phone "the language teacher must be really pretty" I smirked knowing exactly what I was doing. Her cute shy laugh made an obnoxious grin break out on my lips

"Ah, seriously..." she smiled with a blush on her cheeks "I told you to be quiet"

"Okay okay" I rested my head on her shoulder for a minute before reading more questions from my phone

"Is there anoyone who recognised you? No there isn't. Not one. For me.. really, not even a single one. Seriously" Solar had a bashful smile on her face as she tried to sound modest and not stuck up like she was expecting people to recognise us. I stared down at her red lips as she spoke, my sight alternating from her eyes to her lips.

"I recognise you" I said seriously. I watched her stop talking before she turned away red and started fanning herself playfully.

"Byul-ah! Don't speak like that" I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I watched her dazzling smile light up the room. With the mix of amazing food and the best company I felt high.

"You can't think of what to say next, huh?" I laughed again as Solar took a drink, probably trying to calm down her burning cheeks. I shook my head with a smile so big on my face it was painful. She's so beautiful

"You look like our English teacher. Guess I have a teachers look" Unnie read out distractedly from her phone while I stared at her moving lips

"Are all teachers this pretty?" I asked again with a straight face. I love doing that to her, getting her flustered and annoyed. Her response was instantaneous as she spun around and glared at me playfully before I shoved her"you need to think of a comeback! This is so frustrating."

Before i could say anything else a kind woman came over to stir our food, ruining our playful mood but only for a moment "is this the number of people watching?" I asked Solar, staring at the number on the screen rising into the ten thousands. I wasn't ready for when she leaned over my shoulder and placed her hand on my thigh for support.

"I'm not sure" she replied with a slightly confused voice making me swoon.

"Byul unnie, you look like our mom. They say I look like their mother" I laughed quietly, I could not imagine myself as a mother. Not anytime soon anyway

"Their mother must be really pretty" Solar looked up from her phone and smiled cockily at me. I looked between both her eyes before staring down at my lap, trying to hide my blush. It's not like her to say such greasy things to me. To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement "you can't think of anything to say either, huh?" Her sweet laugh filled my ears

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