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Beck's P.O.V.

"Kiss me."

"What?" Everyone yelled and I looked shocked.

"I dare you to k-" I kissed her without letting her finish. I didn't want her to change her mind. I felt her kiss back and it was amazing.

I was actually doing it. I was kissing Jade West. I could't believe it, I never thought this would happen. Unless it was just for the dare, because maybe she couldn't think of anything else or she was testing me.

We pulled back after a while and I saw her stare into my eyes. I knew it didn't mean anything, and I was stupid to think it may actually be something. Then I saw her, for the first time since I met her, she smiled. And not one of her fake smiles, a real, happy smile. I smiled back as she sat up on her knees and leaned in and hugged me. I put my arms around her waist and breathed in the smell of her hair. I could not believe this was happening.

About an hour later everything was dialing down. It was almost midnight and Cat, Andre, Jade and I were the only one's still at Tori's. Emily went home right after we finished the game because she had a long drive and didn't live here and Robbie also left because he felt uncomfortable after the game.

We were all talking except for Jade who was sleeping.

"You think it's weird we are all still here since Tori went to bed about an hour ago?" Andre asked. I shrugged and saw that Cat was on her way out too.

"We should probably get going, we do have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess, I'll get Cat, you can take her home since, you know." I smiled, I did know and I was damn happy about it. I picked her up bridle style and set her in the car as I drove to her house. As we got closer Jade started waking up and was a little confused.

"Where are we?"

"In my car. It's late, I'm taking you home."

"Wait, what time is it?" She said concerned.

"Almost midnight, w-"

"No, no, no, you cant take me home."

"Why not?" This seemed weird, why would she not want to go home?

"Because it's past my curfew and my fathers home and I didn't exactly tell him where I was going..."

"Okay, and...?"

"He's going to kill me if he catches me. You have to take me somewhere else."


"I don't care, anywhere that isn't my house. Please!" I thought for a moment.

"Okay." I took her to my house. I couldn't take her home now. Not after she practically begged me not to.

"Where are we?" She asked when I pulled up to my aunts house.

"My trailer. I couldn't think of anywhere else to take you. I hope this is okay for now." I opened the door to my trailer and I let her look around for a while.

"It's..." Here it comes. "Perfect." What? "Thank you." She came over to me and put her head on my chest. I rested my chin on her head and closed my eyes. A couple seconds later we pulled away and she kissed me. We moved over to the couch and I laid her down beneath me. I kissed her neck and was about to venture down farther but a loud ringing went off and we both jumped. I cursed under my breath so she couldn't hear me.

"Oh, shit. That's my mom. I'm sorry." She got up and turned her phone off.

"Go ahead. Answer it." I sighed and fell down on my bed across the RV.

"No, I would normally be asleep right now and wouldn't answer it at this time anyway. She knows what time it is." She paused for a long time before she spoke again. "Hey, What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just everything with me always gets interrupted. It doesn't matter what it is."

"It's my fault. I forgot my mom sometimes calls late at night because she forgets, and I thought I turned my phone off like I normally do at night."

"It's fine." I picked up my phone and scrolled through the Slap, until I looked up and saw she was staring at me. I could see in her eyes that she really was sorry.

"Hey..." She crawled onto the bed and sat on her knees beside me. "It's okay, we can try again another-" She got closer to me and took my phone out of my hands which was fairly easy since I wasn't really holding onto it. "time, I promise." She finished as she put my phone on the opposite table. She intertwined her fingers in mine and said,

"I just think it was a sign. Like we should wait a little longer." I nodded.

"Yeah, we should probably just go to sleep, we still have school tomorrow." I said getting up.

"Beck..." I turned to look at her. "Are you mad at me?" I saw her eyes were sad and  I heard something in her voice that I never had before. This was a side of Jade that wasn't at school or around other people. It must be because she trusts me, and I like this side of Jade. I sighed and walked back over to the bed, sat down and took her hand.

"I could never be mad at you. No matter what you do." She smiled.

"Okay. And I will make sure to double check that my phone is off whenever I come over." 

"Whenever you come over?" I said confused. I didn't think she'd like spending time in here.

"Yeah, I mean, your not coming to my house and hanging out that's for sure. My dad is so strict, we wouldn't have a  moment alone together ever. Here, there's so much privacy." She leaned in to kiss me and I gladly kissed back.

"Okay, well. You can have the bed, I'll take the couch."

"What?" She asked confused.

"Well, I just thought you may... feel uncomfortable. I mean we-"

"Beck." She interrupted me. "Shut up. I'm fine if we sleep. I'm not one to get uncomfortable, trust me." I smirked.

"Okay" I laid down and saw her just staring at me. "What?"

"Nothing. I'm going to go change." 

I messed around on my phone a bit and I started to yawn when she finally came out. She was still wearing the pink shirt from earlier and the same pair of shorts only they weren't jeans, they looked more comfortable to sleep in. She was stripped of her makeup and I couldn't help but think how beautiful she was and how I wish everyone could see her like this. Calm and sweet, but I knew she wouldn't, and I didn't care. I was the only one, besides Cat that knew what she was really like behind closed doors.

She got to the bed and laid down beside me. I put and arm around her which made her move closer to me. We were laying there in silence for a while until I was about to say something but I found she was already asleep again. I smiled, kissed the top of her head and dreamt about what tomorrow would be like.

Hope you guys like!!!!! Comment, vote, suggest, give feedback. I really appreciate and read all your guys' comments.

Love~ Allie 

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