One: Deluminator

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Your second week at Hogwarts and you've already broken the first rule, don't leave Gryffindor tower at night. You took careful note of every rule mentioned from the train ride, to dinner in the great hall, yet here you are. Wandering down the stone corridor, fiddling with the wand in your pajama pants pocket.

You've waited your entire life to be here. Your older cousin Charlie is the only wizard the family has ever known, and he always promised you'd be one too. He was the one who took you to Diagon Alley, to Olivanders to buy your wand, to get your robes, books, your lovely Gray Owl Lux, and even surprising you with a quidditch broom, the very same one he'd used to win the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup five years before. He showed you how to get to platform 9 and 3/4 when your own parents couldn't even bother to drive you King's Cross Station. Who didn't even bother to say goodbye when you left...but you can't think of that right now.

Because you're here, at the best wizarding school in the world, living your dream.

You figure it's okay to break one little rule to explore the place, you've waited long enough.

You tread lightly down the marble staircases, keeping track of which ones are "trick steps" something you read in one of your many books on Hogwarts.

Lit torches line the walls, bathing everything in a soft orange glow. You run your fingers against the smooth stone, as if to test the reality of it all. It's cool against your fingertips.

You're really here.

You pull out your wand (eleven inches, alder wood, unicorn hair core) and a piece of parchment where Charlie wrote a list of simple spells that will come in handy your first year.

"Lumos" you whisper, watching wide eyed as a warm light emerges from the tip.

Magic will never cease to amaze you.

"Hey!" comes a sharp voice causing you to drop your wand. You scramble to the floor, grab it and duck around the corner of an ill lit corridor.

"I, um, er..." a smaller voice responds, struggling to find words.

You start retreating backwards away from the voices when you feel yourself bump into something, or someone rather, from the surprised gasps that follow.

You whip around sharply, holding your wand towards the person you can't see, threatening to use defense spells you don't know.

"Lumos" a voice whispers, revealing two peering faces you recognize from the common room.

"Sorry we frightened you" smiles the boy with untidy black hair, holding the lit wand.

"You didn't. I was just surprised is all" you whisper, quickly lowering you wand.

"Seemed pretty frightened to me" says the boy with pale gray eyes that seem to twinkle in the small light.

"Well I wasn't. So-"

But before you can finish your retort, the voices further down the corridor ring out once more.

"What are you doing out of your dormitory?" a male voice rings.

"I was just...going to...I left..." the small voice stutters.

"Y-you w-what?" the older voice taunts, followed by a chorus of laughter.

So there must be multiple older boys.

"We have to get Remus out of there" one of the boys hisses behind you.

"But we can't be seen either"

"Perhaps we can make a distraction"

"Yeah! Do you still have that..."

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