Three: Lux's Return

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You wake the next morning to the sound of someone barging through the door, the old hinges screeching. You shoot straight up, tearing the curtains from around your four poster bed, looking for the source of the commotion.

You shoulda known it was the boys.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here?" you groan sleepily, throwing the blankets back over your face to shield the sunlight.

"We woke up late!" says James breathlessly as Sirius tears the blanket from your hands.

"Which means you woke up late" Sirius nods, tearing open the trunk at the foot of your bed and flinging a pair of robes your way.

"How late?" you ask hesitantly, shooing him away as you grab socks.

"Defense against the dark arts with Ravenclaws starts in three minutes" Remus says gravely.

You think to ask where he was last night, he didn't return to the dorms, but it's then you realize the girls dorm is completely empty, their beds neatly made behind them. All three of the boys are dressed sloppily, hair disheveled, robes wrinkled and buttoned incorrectly, James even wears mismatched socks.

There's no time for questions.

A sudden blaze of adrenaline shoots through you, springing you from the bed. "Give me 60 seconds" you assure, pushing them out of the room.

You move faster than you ever have in your life, stripping off you pajamas, throwing your clothes on, diving for your bag under the bed and stuffing all school supplies within arms reach.

I'm forgetting something. What am I forgetting...

You sigh with a shake of your head, turning quickly to grab the wand from your bedside table. How could you forget that? The same rush of excitement flows as you pick it up, a sudden wave of calm rushing over you. It feels perfectly weighted in your hand, as if it's a part of you.

You let that calm feeling take hold, but before long, Sirius voice breaks through.

"It's been exactly 60 seconds! 61...62..." he counts with false annoyance.

You kick open the door so he has to jump back and smile at them broadly.

"Two minutes to spare" you call, already running across the common room, side stepping open books and half played chess games to the painting, swinging it open with Remus, James, and Lupin at your heels.

You race down the stairs and through winding corridors, laughing as the boys trying to keep up, paying no mind to the many paintings that growl at you to quiet down. You all spill through the door of Professor Slughorn's room just as the last Ravenclaw walks in.

"We made it" Remus smiles, making his way to the only open table in the back, where a single cauldron sits.

"Mind if we join you Peter?" James asks, although Sirius has already taken a seat.

"Over here (y/n)" he beckons to you, tapping the stool next to him.

"So maybe it's not just Remus who fancies her after all..." James draws on, raising his eyebrows at a smirking Sirius.

"And so what if I do fancy her! She's pretty, smart, and fairly brave if the events of last night are any indication. So what do you say?" he asks, turning to face you, a cheesy smile lacing his expression, "Wanna be my girlfriend?"

James rolls his eyes, unfazed by Sirius's ridiculous flirting.

"I'm not looking to be anyone's girlfriend at the moment" you nod simply, taking out a quill and parchment to copy the notes that have appeared on the board at the front of the class.

At this, all the boys look up in surprise.

"You've already gone and got yourself a boyfriend?" Sirius cries a bit too loudly.

"No!" you shout back, earning a warning look from Slughorn.

James giggles as Sirius sends you a look of amusement. Remus turns away quickly, hiding the faint smile that plays on his lips.

"No" you repeat, quieter this time, "I haven't. I just mean I'm focusing on my studies and whatnot. I've got enough to deal with already"

At those words, as if by fate, your owl Lux comes crashing through an open window, falling to the table in front of you with a dull thud. Her feathers are ruffled wildly, some missing in patches, others blackened as if singed by fire. Tied to her leg is a letter, barely recognizable past a worn slip of parchment. But what makes your eyes go wide, what makes your heart stop and panic flow, are the bold red letters stamped across the front.


"Owls are not permitted in this classroom Ms-"

"I didn't call her here!" you snap, running your fingers across her back, but she flinches away.

"Can't you see something is wrong with her? We need to take her to the owlery"James nods, to the approval of Sirius and Lupin.

Profesor Slughorn, seemingly flustered at the group of students now gathering their things, waves a quick hand of approval, but you've already brushed past him and out the door, Lux cradled in your arms.

The sound of what seems like hundreds of owls greet you when you reach the owlery. Two scruffy barn owls swoop down the moment you enter, seemingly concerned for a barely conscious Lux.

"Hello?" you call, "My owl is hurt and I'm not exactly sure what-"

"Give him here" pipes a thin voice from the wall of owls in front of you.

"Who said that?" Sirius asks, looking around for the source of the voice.

"Why, I did of course" and out of the wall of wide round eyes comes and even wider pair, magnified behind thick spectacles. A small woman wearing a robe completely covered in owl feathers steps forward, her bushy hair and brown skin giving her a chameleon like quality.  With her sharp flat nose and rather puffed out frame, she resembles an owl herself.

"I'm Mrs.Wingert. I take care of the owls" she squeaks. 

"Sorry, I didn't see you..." you mutter warily as she reaches for Lux.

"Poor girl, gone on quite a journey haven't you?" she coos, examining her closely, "And what's this..." she questions, looking at the letter still tied to her leg.

"I sent a letter to my cousin Charlie and I guess Lux couldn't find him. Does that happen often?" you ask in a rapid stream of words.

A heavy silence falls over the room, as if the owls themselves are afraid to break the rising tension.

"No my dear...I'm afraid not" the woman answers delicately, "You see, it's an owl's job to deliver letters, and they're quite good at it. They can find anyone, even those who don't wish to be found"

"So what does that mean?" panic rising in your voice, "Why couldn't she find Charlie?"

She refuses to meet your eyes now, busying herself with straightening Lux's feathers. You look at her expectantly, but she's turned her back now.

"You guys, what does it mean?" you demand, looking to the boys who also refuse to meet your gaze. Even Sirius seems shy now.

"Well" says Remus, words nothing more than a whisper, "If an owl can't find someone it either means that person has gone into very deep hiding or..."

You know the words that are coming next, the only ones that make sense.

"Or what Remus?" your voice much calmer than you feel.

"Or...that person is dead"

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 03, 2018 ⏰

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