Christmas and New Years

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The ice was broken. The three most beautiful words in the world were delivered and every time I heard them, I got butterflies. The way her tone went higher as she said the "you" and "I love you."
She wore that bracelet proud, everyday. Her coworkers crowded around her when she showed it off. They were probably jealous. Or not. It didn't matter.
I laughed when I told Crystal and Patty, "See? I was paying attention!"
Crystal's family went out to buy a Christmas tree not long into December. She was slightly disappointed that I couldn't go because of work. Even if I got out early, I still got home after dinner time. I had to watch the Facebook pictures of them picking their tree out while I got screamed at by angry customers. It wasn't a fair trade.
When I got to her house, it was a onesie party. Crystal encouraged me to wear the one she got me, so naturally I did. It was actually kinda comfortable. Mine was blue with snowmen on it saying, "I'm snow awesome" across it and hers was red plaid with two fuzz balls hanging from it.
A present was sitting on the counter for me. Crystal really wanted to give it to me early. When I opened it, I got excited. It was a red hoodie with the Flash theme.

Three things to consider:
1.) My favorite color is red.
2.) I love hoodies.
3.) The Flash is my favorite superhero alongside Spider-Man. I can't decided which one I like more.

I made sure to wear it the following day to work. Nobody there noticed what it was, but I wore it proud.
She'd play Christmas music throughout the day, whether in her car or at home. She was a big fan of Transiberian Orchestra. I like them too.
Crystal made fun of me for not seeing National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. She made sure I watched those with her. It took us a few tries to get through the latter movie without falling asleep, but we made it happen.
She and her mom loved to bake and would made incredible desserts. My favorite was the peanut butter oatmeal cookies.
I woke up on Christmas morning in her bed. I made her bed, then got dressed. She would sometimes tell me not to worry about making the bed, but I figured a little thing like that would make her happy. I didn't even make my own bed! I put all the stuffed animals, including Fred, and her spoopy pillow in the right order every time.
I woke up and her younger daughter was ready to open her presents. The older one was his her father. She tore thru them and saw L.O.L Confetti Pops and Suprizimals all over and among them dinosaur eggs.
She handed me mine and I did hers. She got me plenty of Spider-Man related things and video games. It was all I asked for.
The ring from Jared's came through with a clutch. She was so happy that I remembered. More importantly, it fit perfectly.
That day, I played the games then visited my family where Crystal met my father for the first time. He offered her food but she was full. I could eat everything like an endless pit.
When we went back to her house, we had ham for dinner along with many sides. I was starting to get used to family dinners. Growing up, I typically ate on my own in my room or with my brothers. It was a nice change of pace.
Work was starting to get to a slower pace to which they call "normal." I was starting to transition to my new role after I now has a good idea of who the associates were.
When New Years came, we were invited to Zack's house for a couple's party. I felt good about that considering I usually third wheeled those events, if I even went.
Crystal didn't want to go because she wasn't feeling well. Fortunately, that changed and she went. It made me happy that she came.
We all played Pictionary and Zack gave drink after drink, shot after shot. I mixed. Oops. When the ball dropped, I drank my champagne and felt hiccups. That was a bad sign for me. It was fun at his place, but when we got back to hers it went into a downhill spiral.
I was looking forward to what the new year would bring. 2017 was the best year I've had in a long time. Promotions. Financial gains. Great friendships. New relationship. New love.
2018 was about to be a whole new ride.

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