Doctor didi Aur Pyaar?!

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Hey guys..I started this as Rishbala fanfic. But I couldn't finish it then. Now I'm going to continue this Kahaani with our Sukor..keep reading..😊

Today I got the shock of my life. I didn't even prepare myself for that. She just told me about her love and was standing before me expecting my reaction. I know.. she is nervous. She must be. Seriously buddy..I could never expect my goody two-shoes sister to fall in love. I was too shocked to even react.

"Chakor..." My sister gently shook me to seek my attention. I stared at her as if I was expecting her to laugh and tell me that it was all just a joke. But she didn't. Instead she handed over her mobile.

"He is the one I'm talking about."

"Didi..You are kidding, right?"

"Chakor, I'm serious. And I will be happy for me. For us. But.."

I looked at my sister who was damn worried, "Didi, I'm not against your wish. I was shock. It was just sudden. Anyway didi, I'm really happy for you. But I have a condition."

"What condition, Chakor?" She was expecting something bigger.

"It's simple. I need to talk to him and get to be sure about him. Only then, You will be getting my approval."

"Great!!!" She squealed with delight. "He loves me and I'm sure he will get that approval. I'm so happy. "

"And I want you to be happy." I told her playfully. She giggled at my reply and asked me to see the photograph of him.

"Nah.. I'm not going to get influenced by looks, Didi. I will see only if your lover boy has the charms to impress me. Make sure to get him for tonight. "

"But Chakor..he might be having someother plans or he might.."

I interrupted her, "And I'm expecting him to choose you over anything." I told her and left to my college since I was already too late.

Today was not my day. I was late to my class and I forget my assignment at home..Thanks to Didi. Now I got this stupid detention. seriously??!! It's not the school,yaar!!! I was waiting for the bell to ring.

"Okay Students, You can go now. Don't forget to get your assignment tomorrow, Ms.Khanna. Now enjoy your detention. And don't be late for that too."
Mrs.Trivedi and I..We don't like each other. So I don't give a damn. I nodded as a reply and left as quickly as possible.
When I reached my home after detention,My sister was beaming at me with full excitement. I guessed her day might be great. I fell on the sofa, relaxing myself.
"How was your day, Chakor? You look so---"
I stretched my legs making myself comfortable. "So how was yours?" I asked her.
"umm..It was good"
"Good, haan?"
She looked at me nervously. But she also seemed to be so happy.
"It seems like you have another surprise, Didi." I poked her playfully.
"His.. his Mom and dad likes me."
"What?!"I looked up at her.It's too fast...
"They accepted me!!!" She squealed with delight.
"Didi, But--" I glanced doubtfully at her.
"But what?"
I was unsure of how to respond,"But...but this..this is too fast. You know.. Today You just told me about him and Now You are telling me that you are going to marry him. That is so--"
"Sweetheart, I'm not going to marry him tomorrow. And you know..I'm already 25. So It's not too fast. I can understand that.. you are unsure about my decision. But..but You will like him if you get to know him. I can guarantee that."

I tried to smile at her. I succeeded too. "To get to know him, I should talk to him, Didi. Is he going to call?"
"Oops! I totally forgot to tell you something, Chakor. I'm going for the medical camp tonight. And I won't be here for a week."
There comes..her favourite medical camps..
"But, Didi--"
She cut me off. "Chakor, I only have an hour to pack my things and all.Dia and Laksh might come here anytime. So I have to be hurry." Dia and laksh are my sister's friends who are also working at the same hospital where my sister Imli is working. She started getting ready while I helped her with packing. Finally, she was all ready to go. "And another thing, Chakor. It's like the tribal area. So I won't be able to call you often since there will be poor network."
"Didi, You can cancel that trip." I told her hopefully.But I knew that it was not going to work.
"Chakor, that's not a trip."
I shrugged. "Fine,Miss.Doctor. What about your mister,haan?It seems like he doesn't even care about your family to accept him." I asked her.Meanwhile her friends came and they started shouting from outside that they were already late. "Chakor,I forget to tell him about our conversation. He doesn't have your contact number. But that is not a problem. I will give you his number. You can call him anytime." she took the paper lying aside and scribbled his number hurriedly.
"This is it. Take care." She gave that to me and went outside. I followed her.Before the car had started, she called me."Chakor, Inform Mom and Dad about the camp."
I stared at her,"As if they care." But she left even without getting my reply. I stood there for sometime. Mom and Dad..that too caring..Impossible!

I entered into the living room and saw the paper. It was the most illegible handwriting that I had ever seen. I took my mobile and saved his number. I should call him matter what I will never let my sister's marriage to be like my Parent's. My sister deserves to be happy.And I have to make sure of that. 

How was that? Do tell me about that on your comment.
Have a nice day😊

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