Flux Meets Enderborn (Nanothian)

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Hai! So this is a short story. I hope you like! It's Nanothian. Which is Kim+Rythian. Don't judge me. I've shipped this for a while so ._. Anyway, I kinda killed Dunkim and Zoethian in this story ;~; But don't worry, THEY STILL MY OTPs. Hopefully you like the story.

*Kim's POV*

"Get out of here! You've ruined enough stuff!" Duncan shouted at me.

"I'm sorry, I just-" I tried apologizing.

"No. Your done. Leave now." He said sternly, "You can get your stuff first."

I don't take a thing. I never want to remember him. Even though I loved him. He obviously didn't feel the same. I run out the door, almost crying. Tears are in my eyes, but he's not worth crying for. I hold them in. I run, that's all I do. I don't know where I'm going. I guess wherever my feet take me.

*Duncan's POV*

Kim had tainted more of the machinery. I was getting really frustrated. I told her to leave. I could tell she had tears in her eyes. She turn and ran. It was only then I realized I made a mistake. A really big one. I just sent the love of my life away. How could I? Was I that stupid? It was my fault she had the flux anyway.

"Wait Kim, please, I didn't mean it!" I shout after her. But, she was already to far away from me. I have tears streaming down my face now. Will she come back? After the way I treated her, I don't think she will. I have to find her. But first, I need supplies.

*Rythian's POV*

"How could you?" Zoey asked me.

"You don't understand I-" I tried to explain.

"I think I do understand. Your a monster." I always dreaded hearing those words, "You almost killed Sjin!"

I looked at my feet. I couldn't look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry." I say.

"I'm sorry? That's all you can say? You know what? I'm done. Goodbye Rythian." Zoey stomped off.

Yet another friend, lost. My whole life is a joke. I set out, for what seems like the millionth time. Cast out by people. They think I'm a monster. I can show them a true monster. I fly off into evening looking for a new place to call home.

*Kim's POV*

It was almost night. The sun was setting over the horizon. I had traveled, what felt like, a long way. Now, I was at the edge of a forest. I had to set up camp. And thats exactly what I did. I started a small fire. I didn't want it producing to much smoke, then I could be found. I had chicken for dinner. I hadn't eaten in a while. And after, I put out the fire. I didn't need the light. My flux glowed bright enough. And the warmth didn't matter. It was the middle of summer. There was a warm summer breeze. I settle down for the night, under the trees. That's when I felt like I was being watched.

*Rythian's POV*

I had been flying for a while now. It was starting to get dark. And I was over a forest. I planned on going farther, but there was a faint, purple glow in the forest. I thought it was an enderman. But, usually, I can sense those. So, I decided to check it out. I flew down swiftly a few feet away from the source of the glow. Carefully, I inched closer to see what it was. When I was close enough, I was surprised at what it was. It appeared to be a girl. She had long black hair with flowers in it, and was wearing an oriental styled dress. Not to mention her glowing purple arms and eye. I think she heard me, because she looked in my direction. I quickly ducked behind a tree.

"Hello?" She asked. Do I answer? I don't know. "Is someone there?"

What do I have to loose? I slowly step out from my hiding spot. "Hello."

*Kim's POV*

The cutest guy I've ever seen stepped out from behind a tree. He had dark brown hair with a blonde streak. A mask covered the bottom half of his face. He wore a cape, gray tank top, black pants, and boots. Well Duncan was cute to. Wait. No. Bad Kim. Forget Duncan.

"Hello." He says.

"Hi!" I say cheerfully, "I'm Kim!" I greet him.

"I'm Rythian."

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