Part 3

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Part Three

*Kim's POV*

We had camped through the night. And when I wake up the next morning, I saw Rythian was gone. Did he just leave me? I start to panic, but them I see he is a little bit away. It looked like he was meditating. I slowly approach him and tap him on the shoulder. Next thing I know I'm in a choke hold. When he sees it's me he let's go.

"Geez Rythian. What was that for?" I ask.

"Sorry, habit." He says.

I just laugh a little.

"So shall we get started on this new base?" I ask.

"Yep, sounds good." He said.

The rest of the day we spent gathering materials and started building. And as we were doing so, we chatted. We learned more about each other. And as we were laying out the frame for our base, we talked and joked around. I had forgot about Duncan for the whole day,

*Duncan's POV*

I had started traveling in the morning. I went in the direction Kim went in. I knew she wouldn't really change up the direction. I just knew. So I traveled on. The sun was setting when I reached a forest. I saw some movement in the distance. I went to investigate it. When I got closer, I saw it was two people building something. I recognized one of those people as Kim. My heart jumped for joy when I realized I found her. But that's when I noticed who the second person was. Rythian. I did everything to try to keep Kim away from him. But here she is. Building a base. With him. She was laughing. With him. And I would get my revenge. On him.

*Rythian's POV*

We had spent the whole day building the base. I gotta admit. It was nice to have a day without worries. A day to forget everything. I was gonna ask Kim something. I turned to her. But no words came out. I just stared. I noticed how beautiful she was. And I felt something, that hadn't been there for a while. She must've noticed I was staring because she asked,

"Is everything okay Rythian?"

"Um, ya everything's fine." I say.

She stopped what she was doing and stood in front of me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Well, I, uhh." I stuttered. I knew I had to tell her. She deserved to know, "I know it's only been a day since I've known you. But, it feels as if I've known you for a lifetime. And, I can't deny the fact that I like you. Kim, I love you." I say nervously.

She just stared at me. And then it felt like I made a mistake. I started to fly off. She grabbed my hand.

"You didn't let me answer." She said, "I love you to."

Then she pulled me down and closed the gap between our lips. At first I was very surprised. Then I pulled her closer. When we split, I took her hand and we intertwined fingers.

"I love you, Kim, my flux queen."

"And I love you, Rythian, my ender king."

Authors note: How you like? Was it good? I hope you liked it. Anyway, until next time. Bai! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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