S T A R - S T R U C K

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Millie's POV

Finn slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to probably adjust to the lighting. 

"Omg, Finn are you okay?" I asked my heart rate increasing. 

"Yeah..  where am I...  who are you?" He looked so confused. 

"WAIT, WHAT?" I was so scared.

"Gotcha." Finn replied with a smirk.

"I fucking hate you!" I took a deep sigh of relief.

"I know you lovee me" ( a/n ;))) ) Finn said while getting of the bed in the nurse's office.

"In your dreams frogface." I said. 

"Hey, do you know why you fainted?" I asked. I was filled with curiousity.

"I saw a boy. I think he is new here because I've never seen him. He has big curls on his head that looked so damn soft. There were freckles scattered around his face. His cute button nose was just; ugh! I think I'm in love." Finn replied, clearly starstruck. 

"Well maybe you'll see him at Jeremy's party tomorrow." I suggested. 

"Yeah, maybe I will."

We then headed for English class, the last class of the day. 

Jack's POV 

Hi, I'm Jack Dylan Grazer. I'm 16 and was born in Los Angeles, California. I still live in LA, but far far away from my parents. My parents are abusive and I couldn't take it anymore so I snuck out to live with my favorite cousin. Their abuse sparked depression and later, cutting. I'm getting better though. Today was my firs day at my new high school. It was pretty good-- made some friends and all that. Lunch was weird though. There was a boy staring at me and he looked pretty popular. He fainted, I don't know why. I'm currently in my last class; English. We are going to do a group project which I did in my old school so it will be a breeze if I have a good partner. 

"Okay class, you will be working on a group project that will consist of pairs. It is about what you think we should change in our American literature. You will have to put together a Google Slide which must have a minimum of 6 slides. You have to include pictures and videos too. I will now pick your partners." The teacher said. 

"Sadie and Gaten, Caleb and Noah, Jaeden and Wyatt, Millie and Sophia, Jack and Finn," she went on and on. 

"Finn, raise your hand for Jack."

I quickly scanned the room to find the boy I would be working with. My eyes met the same ones that were staring at mine a few hours before. 

This will be hard.. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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