Chapter 2

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After about two hours I get a phone call from my mom.  My captor tells me to answer it.  Everything is fine, but I can't make it home.

I ask what to tell her.

He tells me to lie.

"Hello?" I say steadily.

"Hey sweetie! How close are you? Dad and I were wondering if you could swing by a grocery store on the way in since we forgot to get seasoning for the tacos."  I hear her voice through the phone.  My sweet mother.  She's been supporting me in what I do for as long as I remember. 

I remember watching the fireflies glow in the summer.

I clear my throat to steady myself again.  My captor looks at me coldly.

"Listen, momma.  I don't think I can make it home this weekend."

I hear silence on the other end.  I know why.  I haven't canceled plans with my parents more than once before, and that was only because there were tornado warnings all over the place.

"Why not?" She says quietly.

I glance at the man to my right, "Well, you know what happened today in DC.  I'm on the freeway right now..." a cautionary glance, "And the roads are just packed headed south."

"Oh, that's right!  Were you close to the damage?"

"No, I'm alright.  Can I take a rain-check?  Maybe we can do tacos next week?" I say cheerily.

I hear her sigh, "Of course, sweetheart.  I'd rather you were safe than risk the roads anyway."

"Thanks mom.  I love you."  My voice wavers slightly, but if she noticed she doesn't mention it.

"I love you too.  I'll tell dad you say hello.  Bye!"

The Soldier presses the end call button before I can respond.

Then, quickly and before I know what's happening, he tosses it onto the busy freeway.

"What the hell?!  That's my phone!"  My voice has risen a couple octaves at this point.

He shrugs, returning his gaze to me, "Necessary."

"Necessary?" I ask.

"It had to be done."

"I know what it means.  Why was it necessary?"

"If we're seen together they can track us through your phone." He explains simply. 

"And you don't want me calling anyone." I finish for him.

"No," he begins cooly, "You would be dead before you began dialing."

I'm left speechless at that, and I only tightened my hands on the wheel.  Oddly enough, I'm beginning to feel more angry than afraid. 

Of all the cars stopped at that light in particular, why did he decide to hijack mine?

Then again, I suppose I'd rather this be the case than the Winter Soldier jumping into a car that contained a family.  I cannot stand the idea of children going through what I'm going through right now.

Suddenly, I feel the constant pressure of the knife on my leg disappear. 

I look to the man in the passenger seat and I am stunned.

His arms- even the metal one- lie limp at his side, and his head is lolled over to the right. 

I keep driving, going over my options.

I could pull over, wave my arms up and down until someone stopped to help me.  Maybe I could even drive to a police station.

I glance at his face, just to make sure he isn't faking it. 

And damn, I shouldn't have.  The man looks like he's in pain, but he looks human, and I begin to think differently.

Why is he running?  He's part of Hydra isn't he?  All he would have to do is stand still long enough and they would find him. 

But maybe he doesn't want to be found. 

He was the best friend of Captain America for years.  They were in the army together, and he died.

Well, obviously he didn't die, but he fell.  Even still, he should be old right?  But Captain America isn't old.  I wrinkle my forehead as puzzle pieces come together.

He fell, and became a part of Hydra. 

But what if he didn't want to?

What if he wants to escape?

What if he wants to be free?

I glance at him again, his face still in a slight grimace even in unconsciousness, and I try to put myself in his place. 

The wet spot on his abdomen is continuously growing, and I realize he could bleed out right here.

He could die.

"Shit." I say aloud.

I put my blinker on, and I take the next exit.

Drive. ~James Buchanan BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now