the meeting

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Pidges pov
I had just seen my one psychotic patients when sally ( a psychiatrist) came in with a young boy who was muttering something and had jagid nails which descusted Sally . As I was starring at him she told me
" here is a patient who says he's part off
Something called voltron and we have said that he's insane but the worst off it he keeps saying family are all missing when they are at his mother is at home with his brothers and sisters "
I wasn't paying much attention but how did he get through the brain wash; he was the one we wanted to make sure forgot
" Ok so he will be my patient so what's your name " I asked him
All I got was a stare then all of a sudden
"Pidge why are you here ?"
I was gobsmackt so I said "I'm sorry who my name is Katie and I'm a doctor but if it makes you feel more comfortable calling me that then do since you will see me every day "
"Oh ok"
I felt so terrible saying that but he can't know I remember .
" Ok . sally he will be my patient so you can leave him with me "
She just srugged and left .
"Ok so i will show you to your room and then in about two hours you and the others will have dinner ok?"
I told him clearly
"Ok" he said very quietly and then continued to mutter . I Could make out a few words like haggar , pidge , love , blue and worst off all kill them all which was the only whole thing I could make out but now I need to tell ...


Hey guys sorry this took so long to get out so what do you think will happen .
What did he mean by those words and who do you think he is also I hope this book is ok I have not been in an asylum so I have no clue what they do and on that note have a good day or night bye bye

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