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A/N:  Sorry for the late update. Things have been hectic. Thank you so much to everyone who's still following the story.  Special thanks to saltyduchess and krishnalover96 for the votes and comments. Very much appreciated, guys! 


It's been five days since he blew up at Granger and he was getting more and more miserable by the day. He avoided her like the plague not because of anger but because of shame. He couldn't believe that he'd called her by that stupid word again! Even his father had stopped using the M-word years ago!

And why did he have to push away the only person who was genuinely empathizing with his pain?

His parents were more concerned with what people would say if they found out about his new 'condition'. That's why they covered up the whole incident at his flat, even to the point of obliviating the Muggles who rescued him and attended to him at the hospital. But they never once asked him what he was feeling. They never visited him here either. Sure, they would write once in a while, just to make sure that he was still alive, but they never came to look in on him. He also knew that the only reason his father did not remove him as head of Malfoy Industries was to avoid further controversy. Tongues would wag if the only heir was replaced without any explanation. And since his mind was not affected by the fire, his father was confident that he'd be able to do his job as expected.

Granger was actually his first human contact since his exile.

And he'd ruined whatever progress he'd made with her...

Fuck! Don't go there, Draco! Just DON'T!

He had destroyed his room for the third time that day and he grudgingly whispered 'Reparo' (again) on everything that had the misfortune of straying in his path. He didn't want Tinder running to 'Mistress Hermione' about what he had done so he tried to keep the ruckus to a minimum. She had actually tried to draw him out of his room. On the third day of his self-imposed banishment, she came banging on his door, demanding entrance. She had screamed at him from outside, saying that she was tired of his spoiled-brat tantrums. She said that he was acting stupid and selfish and...well, as it turned out, Granger had quite a colorful vocabulary. He almost succumbed, had it not been for his humongous pride. If he came out then, Granger would know how much sway she had on him and he couldn't have her believing that. So, he ignored her and put more powerful silencing and locking charms on his door.

She never came back after that.

But now, even he was getting tired of his 'spoiled-brat tantrums'. He couldn't avoid her forever! Besides, he needed fresh air, a change of scenery, a lovely face...


If someone had told him a year ago that there would come a time when he would pine for Granger, he would've hexed them to oblivion!

What can I do? The damned witch wriggled herself into my heart!

He laughed at that. If only Pansy could see him now. She used to tell everyone who cared enough to listen that Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Prince had no heart, or if he did, that it was a shriveled up, dead thing.

He once thought that she was right. But then, if she was, then what was that thing inside his chest that seemed to swell at the sight of Granger or was slowly breaking now due to her absence? He'd had many girlfriends, of course. Getting a girl to say yes to him was as easy as breathing. Discarding them after he'd had his fun was even easier. Just a few expensive baubles here and there, not even enough to put a dent in his personal vault, and they would say goodbye without a fuss.

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