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Hey! This is a quick author's note to give credit to people before I start writing the first chapter!

So this fanfic is based on an animatic I've been watching on loop for about three days- The story idea that this is based on is in the description of the animatic! If you want to check that out-


The characters in this story aren't mine either! Obviously, Emma, it's a fanfiction! I hear you say- well, I just want to make sure y'all know where to check them out. The characters belong to Thomas Sanders!   https://www.youtube.com/user/Thatsthat24 he's also a character in this story!

Yeah, I know this is dragging on but this is the last thing I swear! I know this might be bad and cringe since it is my first fanfic- so if you have any constructive criticism I'd love to hear it! I'm planning on writing more stories so I'm hoping to improve!

Anyway, enough talking! Let's get on with the story!


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