Chapter 18 🎆🎎🎋*wedding day*

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*Attention the CEO of FLC Fashion is getting married today. He will be marrying his beautiful girlfriend. Morgan and they will be having their wedding and personal friends and family are invited. Have a great day you two and congratulations. *

I sighed turning the TV off this was making my nerves shake i was scared i couldn't believe this was actually happening today. I wanted to make it a month away again because this was scaring me and i was wondering how Jay was taking this. As i was being worked on a hair stylist and makeup artist was hired by Jay to do my hair and makeup. I was waiting until they was finished when the door opened it was Eunbi and Taehyun. They said "you look amazing where is the dress" i said "oh it's over there i can't even look at it yet". Taehyun said "good because i designed it and the company put it together you better be proud". I said "are you serious" he nodded then he said "it was Jay's doing" i smiled then said "i'm scared". Eunbi said "don't worry it's natural" Taehyun said "after this part is over you leave for Australia". He said "so perk up" i smiled again and he said "there we go" after we was done with my hair and makeup. Taehyun walked over there getting the dress and i was excited to see it. Then Taehyun got it out and i was just blown away by how beautiful it was. I said "you made this for me" he nodded then he said "isn't a beauty" i nodded then he smiled and turned to Eunbi. He said "help her get in this i'll step out" she nodded then he walked out and we got the dress on. After we was done he came back in and made sure it looked right and he smiled. He said "it fits perfect" then he said "i need a raise for this" i said "i'll talk to Jay" he smiled. Then he said "everyone is getting here now so we will go and enjoy your visitors" i said "where are the girls". Taehyun said "Jay has them him and your father" i gasped my family was here. He smiled walking out then the door opened again and it was my family i smiled mom came over hugging me. Mom said "you look beautiful and just so you know i talked to Jay and we are ok now". I said "i'm glad" she sighed then hugged me i almost started crying she said "no crying you'll mess everything up". I said "I can't help it it's kind of hard to believe this day is here". She smiled then said"and it will be over before you know it". She hugged me once last time before she left to go be seated I sighed then there was a knock on the door. I said "yes" the voice said "it's me its Jay" I walked over cracking the door. He didn't look in I was looking at his back he said "are you nervous" I said "I am a lot are you". He laughed then he said "I think I'm going to pass out before it even starts" I giggled. Then he said "well there is no going back now is there" I said "not really don't you dare leave me at the alter". Jay laughed a little he said "no promises" I reached out smacking his head. He caught my hand then said "I love you I'll meet you at the alter" I smiled. Then he kissed my hand he released me then walked off I closed the door then sighed. This was it not long after that I was walking to go meet Jay. As everyone was standing the doors opened my heart was pounding and I looked at everyone before walking. Jay smiled I locked eyes with him I held onto my fathers arm as he walked me up to Jay. When I reached him Jay smiled my dad gave him a hug and then we turned to face the preacher. Everyone sat down I was shaking I was nervous. The preacher said "we are gathered here today to witness these two loving people get married". He said "now Jay do you take this woman to be your wife through sickness and in health through better or for worse until death shall do you part" Jay smiled he said "I do". Then the preacher said "Morgan do you take this man to be your husband through sickness and in health through better or for worse until death do you part" I said "I do". Jay smiled then we kissed and turned to walk out everyone stood up clapping Jay smiled waving. I was blushing so bad but waved then we got to our reception everyone was talking. Taehyun found me he came hugging me he said "you looked great in my dress". I said "thank you for making this day amazing" he smiled he said "least I could do for my favorite friend and boss". Then Jay appeared holding our girls I smiled taking Haeun. Then we all got together for a picture everyone got in it I smiled then they took the picture. After the picture we left going back to our home and playing with our girls. After they went to sleep we stretched out on our bed he said "you want to know something" I nodded. He looked at our wedding rings he said "I never thought I would marry anyone". He said"but you caught my heart your first day working for me and I was in love ever since". I said "really" he nodded I smiled then said "well you know our girls turn one soon right". Jay nodded looking at me I said "I have a gift for you" I reached in the bedside table. I got a wrapped gift he took it shaking it he said "what is it" I smiled then said "open it". Jay said "should I be worried" I shrugged then said "that's your choice". He opened it then froze he said "no way are you serious" I nodded I said "baby number 3 coming soon". Jay covered his face crying then I said "one more thing" I hugged him I said "it's a boy". He wrapped me in his arms kissing me passionately then he said "finally I get a son". I laughed then kissed him again tonight was the best time in the world. Jay got the girls he smiled he said "you two are getting a baby brother be nice". He kissed their forehead then looked at me he said "I knew I had the best family in the world" I said "and so do I".

The End.❤️

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