Oumasai ~ Regret

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*Requested by StephanieCabral016*

Kokichi's pov

Another day, another murder, another class trial. Except this one is a bit different. I played a part in this. In fact, I know who the murderer is. Gonta Gokuhara. Yeah, I know, hard to believe. Long story short, it was my fault, so I'm going to fix this. Shouldn't be too hard as long as Gonta doesn't slip up. Even the emo detective will fall for this. Sigh. No. No time to get sad. I deserve this. I just...

Will anyone miss me? Pfft- of course not! I made sure of that. Can't trust anyone, especially in a killing game. Though, I almost did let my walls down once. Shuichi just seemed to trustworthy. Somehow, he put up with all my crap without trying to kill me once. Almost feel bad for this. Almost. Time to fuck up this trial. This should be fun.

Or it would be if Monokuma wasn't bumming me out. Oh well, I'll make things fun without him. As usual, I got yelled at and now there's useless arguing. I'll just fix that.


Darn. I really though they'd believe Kaito did it. And, of course, Gonta can't shut up. At this point, he'll be a suspect in no time. I can't let this happen. Hmm. Since I'm untrustworthy, they'll immediately dismiss it if I suggest him, And to distract Shuichi, I'll have Kaito and I argue over who Shuichi's partner is. He's too easy to anger.


I tried acting as suspicious as possible. Or make Kaito seem as sketchy as heck. But nothing gets past the great detective Shuichi! (Sarcasm) For some reason, he lied to take the blame off me. I don't understand why though. I'm trying to fix what I did! Just listen to my lies! Ugh. Yet, they still suspect Gonta. Say something you idiot! Defend yourself! I can't do this all on my own He keeps saying he doesn't know, but that's not enough Why can't he just come up with a convincing lie!? I can't do this on my own! Oh great, and now people are yelling at me once more. But I'm not done. I won't let this happen! I won't-

"Could... Gonta be the error," Shuichi asked.

Ah, heck no.

"Ugh, this is so boring," I complain. Hopefully, this works. "How have you all not figured it out yet?"

Everyone stared at me, eager to know what I was about to say. Kaito glared at me. He was about to probably tell me off, but Shuichi interrupted him.

"What do you mean," he asked.

"Look, it was nice for you to cover up for me, but we both know I wasn't where I wa supposed to be." Shuichi's eyes widened. Should've called out his lie forever ago.


"I was on the roof. Stood face to face with Miu. Little did she know, I was prepared. Choked her like there was no tomorrow!" I let out a psychotic laugh. "Never saw me coming! She was all like 'Ahh! Oh no! I'm dying! Bleh!" Haha! And wow was it great! Been wanting to kill someone since day one. I was hoping an interesting trial would follow close after. But nope! So my execution better be a ten out of ten!" Everyone stared in shock. Good. "Come on! It's voting time!" No one said anything, just stared.

"He confessed," Kaito yelled, finally breaking the silence. "Let's kill him." I smiled.

"Kaito, wait," Shuichi said.

"Oh, what now? Didn't you hear him? He's a cold hearted murderer!"

"But something doesn't add up."

"Shuichi, why would I lie about this," I growled. "I gain nothing!"

"That may be true, but if the evidence doesn't add up, I refuse to believe you."

"Why? You hate me, right? Send me to my death already!"

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