Chapter 1 - oops!

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AN: hey this is my first brusnop story but it's going to link into the other stories that i'm currently working on. Thoughts are in italics ... enjoy.

Chapter 1

Ben's POV

Fucking Danny. The fucking arsehole. I stormed out of the tour bus lighting up a cig leaving the whore-like sounds behind. As I breathed in the calming smoke my hands started shaking and I dropped the cigarrette. "God dammit!" as I leant down to pick it back up suddenly life became too much for me and my legs collapsed from under me. Why? the question that kept running through my head. Why Danny?

I heard a door opening but I didn't bother moving from my spot on the floor. "Bye Danny" I heard some slut say trying to be sexy but failing miserably at it. "Bye love" and with that I heard footsteps coming towards me but I couldn't care less.

"Can I have one?" as I heard his voice it hurt me a little bit more than before. "Fuck off Danny" I tried to pour my anger into those three words so that he'd leave me alone but of course he's going to be a bonehead. "Jesus Benji, all I want is a cig" damn he's just not getting it is he?

So I decided to play ignorant and pretend that he isn't there. Suddenly I felt him start to poke me and calling my name trying to get my attention.

"Fuckin' 'ell Ben if you don't want to talk just tell me, you don't have to be a complete cunt about it"

Something inside me finally snapped at the sound of his complaining "what do you expect from me Danny? I love you, do you know how hard it is to love someone that is never going to love you back because he's too busy taking drugs, getting drunk and banging random girls out? Do you Danny because I don't think you do. You have more mood swings than a girl on her period and I put up with you. 'Why?' you ask because I fucking love you, you obnoxious cunt.

Fare-fucking-well Danny because I can deal with you not liking me back, maybe even you hating me, but I can't just stand around watching you destroy the precious body and soul I love so dearly. I'll be back when you stop the drugs and at least cut back on the alcohol and cigarettes." And with my speach finished I turned on my heel and walked into the tour bus to pack my bag leaving a very stunned Danny in my mist. Maybe I can stay on Blood On The Dance Floor's bus while the Danny-Ben storm blows over. With that decided I started packing my bag...

AN: Thank you guys for reading the first chapter of my story please vote, follow and comment as there will be more chapters in the future but more comments,votes and follows give me motivation which means you get updates quicker *YAY!*

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