Aura Colours and Their Meanings

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Now, before we begin, we should first find out what colour aura you have. You can find this by having a white surface and holding your finger over it and stare at your fingernail. It may take some time (I got lazy doing this, and my eye started hurting so I dunno what mine is) but soon you'll see a coloured mist forming around your finger a bit. Do not look at it, but focus on it with your peripheral vision. Once you have an idea on what colour it is, go to or read the different shades' meanings (everything on this part of the book is word for word with the shades. Just letting y'all know).

Shades of Red
Deep Red: strong willed, grounded, survival, realistic
Muddy Red: anger
Clear Red: powerful, sensual, passionate, energetic, competitive
Orange Red: confidence
Bright Pink: sensual, artistic, affections love, sensitive, compassion, can indicate clairaudience
•Dark Muddy Pink: dishonesty, immaturity

Shades of Orange
•Orange Yellow: intelligence, detailed oriented, scientific, creative, perfectionist
•Brownish Orange: low level of ambition, lazy or just repressed emotion

Shades of Yellow
•Pale Yellow: psychic and spiritual awareness, optimism, hopefulness, positivity
•Bright Yellow: fear of losing control, respect, power struggles and control personally and in business
•Clear Metallic Gold: spiritually activated, inspirational awakening
•Dark Muddy Yellow Gold: fatigue and stress from studying our trying to learn everything all at once

Shades of Green
•Emerald Green: healer, loving person
•Yellow Green: communication, heartfelt, creative
•Muddy Forest Green: jealousy, victim, blaming others, insecurity, sensitive to criticism, lacking personal responsibility

Shades of Blue
•Light Blue: peacefulness, clarity, intuitive, truthful
•Royal Blue: clairvoyance, very spiritual, generous, open to new opportunities
•Muddy Blue: fear of expression, future, speaking the truth

Shades of Grey
•Bright Metallic Silver: nurturing, intuitive, new ideas
•Muddy Grey: accumulation of fear in the body, health problems when seen in certain areas of the body
•Dirty Grey Overlay: pertains to the blocking of energy, guarded, skepticism

Shades of White
•Dirty Greyish White: possible illness

Shades of Brown
•Dirty Brown Overlay: holds onto negative energy, insecurity

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