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Dear You,

You obviously know who this is addressed to, so why mention a name? If you were wondering, no, I'm not okay. If I could time travel, I'd take myself back to a period where things were better. Not just things with us, but things in general; when the world had color and my nightmares stopped when I woke up.

But you know what they say about peace, right? No, of course you don't. You've never known anything about peace. You're the figure that wreaks havoc on whatever you touch, and I was graced with the privilege of feeling your wrath.

You didn't mean it though, right? You didn't intentionally shatter every piece of me. No, you just walked away with the better half of me, leaving me with nothing but a disastrous mess. I thank you for that. I thank you, for I do not care anymore.

Not about you. I'll always care about you. You'll always be the rose in my field of weeds. Or white carnations, because they're my favorite. And you'll always be my favorite.


Me. Or at least that's what I think I am. 

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