Getting Started

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Before you enter into the world of the dream chasers, here are a few reminders.

1.) Don't fall asleep. Your nightmares might contain dragons that will eat you.

2.) I do not allow translations of this story in any other languages other than English

3.) Do not copy this story and share it to any other website. Sharing the original story is fine if I am credited as the author, but please no stealing.

4.) This is a work of fiction and is copyrighted. All names, characters, and situations are completely fictitious.

This book is currently under editing so you may find that the finished version to be very different from what you read here. You are beta reading this story so your input is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


The nightmare was getting worse. Each night it was getting stronger and when he closed his eyes, could feel himself slipping farther into the cold dark depths. There were things there, and each time he slept, he feared they were going to come back with him. That when he would open his eyes upon waking, they would be waiting there waiting for him.

It was silly. He knew that. Everyone knew that nightmares weren't real. That it was things that were trapped in your head. That if you watch a scary movie or play a game that had monsters, you would see them in your dreams. That's how the monsters came, they worked they're way into your nightmares.

But he hadn't been watching any scary movies, and his mom had grounded him from his Xbox. He was stuck spending time with his younger sister when he got home and wasn't allowed to even play with his friends. The last two weeks had been nothing but playing dolly's with Emily, spelled with a 'y' as she would say so no one would accidentally misspell it with two 'ee's'.

Not that he cared enough to spell out her name. He didn't want to be wasting his time with her. He should be off having fun doing boy things, not staying there with his spoiled brat of a sister.

So he was stuck with her, not watching anything that would cause these nightmares. Well, not unless the nightmares were of him being covered in dolls each crying for him to hold them. Or of him being chased by a really large one that wants to pick him up, cooing to "hold him and dress him and kiss him all over." Now that was a disturbing thought and he hoped he never would have that dream.

No, the nightmares he had were filled with darkness and in he dark were creatures. He could always hear them scurrying around him, but he wasn't afraid of these things. They weren't the ones that terrified him and had him waking up with a wet bed. They were disgusting but he was a boy, he liked disgusting things. No, there was something else in the dark. It was large, and there were times when he knew he could feel its breath upon his neck. It breathe and then snort, and when it did that he would shiver as though an ice pick was wedged at the base of his spine. No matter how hot and warm that snort was and sometimes it felt like a wave of fire washing over him, he always got the chills from it, the unseen thing.

It was always behind him. No matter how much he turned and it didn't matter that he couldn't see, he could feel it there. It was either behind him, or hovering over him. He knew it was there.

He couldn't stop it, and knew this shouldn't be happening to him. Not him. He should have been able to resist it. He was a dream chaser, he knew how to control his dreams. He had to of, because to fight the nightmares in other children's dreams, he had to know how to control his own. It was one of the first rules, one of the first things taught to new dream chasers and he wasn't knew. He had been fighting nightmares since he was ten. He lived the decree, to fight a children's nightmare, you had to be a child. This nightmare shouldn't be getting into his own head, it shouldn't be happening. He could control these things.

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