All I Want Is An Aleeve

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Chapter 2

Im sitting in the upstairs loft area, and I check my phone. 11:37. I desperately want to leave, but Brendon is talking to some of his basketball buddies somewhere downstairs. I lack the energy to actually go downstairs and find him, so for now sitting on this couch seems like a good idea.

I feel a soft thudding behind my eyelids and groan. Another start of my infamous migranes. The music has been turned down a little, but the damage has already been done.

I lay down on the couch, making sure to cover my thighs with my dress, and close my eyes. The dull throbbing continues. I try to fall asleep.

"You okay?" I open my eyes to find Andy standing near the top of the stairs. I nod, and he says, "Oh, sorry. I didnt know you were sleeping."

"I wasnt." I say, which was true. My attempts at sleep failed. I begin to sit up and am met with a sharp pain in my temples. I wince and whisper a curse as I lay back down. At once, Andy rushes toward me.

"You arent okay." he says. It isnt a question, so I dont answer him. I just close my eyes again. The next thing I know, my head is slightly lift up, and placed onto what feels like a lap.

I look up at the person to whom this lap belongs, and its Andy.

"Do you need anything?" he asks.

"Have any Aleeve?" I whisper.

He sighs. "I literally just used the last bit last week. Migrane." he explains. I nod, understanding that he understands my pain. "Sorry though."

His eyes look sad, and I believe that his apology was sincere. But, oh, those eyes. They are the blue people who have never been to the beach fantasize the ocean would be. But, they get eventually end up on the sandy shore and realize the ocean looks kind of gross and murky. But, I wanted to dive into those eyes.

"Chris?" he whispers, and I realize I have been staring.

"Sorry." I mutter and turn back onto my side. My eyelids find their way closed again, and this time Andy's softly petting my hair. This repetitive action lulls me to sleep.

I am awoken when I hear voices whispering above me. I slowly pull myself out of the void, but dont open up my eyes.

"Is it her head?" the voice is Brendon's.

"Yeah. You should take her home, man." Andy says.

"Im going to." Brendon says. I then feel Andy's arms tighten around me, and I am being lifted, princess- style. My mind panicks- Im wearing a short dress- but my eyelids render the black void too nice to leave quite yet.

Andy's arms are steady as he walks down the stairs. The terrible music is gone now. I push futher into his chest as a wave of cool air hits me, and the silence of the street swallows his footsteps on the grass.

Finally, my eyelids decide to flutter open, and I am met with Andy's smile. His lip ring reflects light from somewhere, and he looks so genuinely happy he makes me smile. Like there is nothing in the entire world he would rather be doing then carrying a girl two years younger than himself who doesnt have the best social standing in the school out to her best friend's car because it feels like someone is playing the snare drum on the inside of her skull.

Someone- presumably Brendon-

opens up the passenger door and I am gently placed on the seat. I click my seat belt as Brendon walks to the other side of the car. Andy hands me something, kisses my cheek, closes the door, and starts walking back toward the house before I can thank him or say goodbye.

I look down at what he handed me, and realize its my phone. 1:04. Brendon looks over at me, with the same apologetic look he shot me about 5 hours earlier. I just shake my head at him, and am met with what feels like a knife ripping open my brain.

"Unfgh." I groan.

Brendon sighs and starts the car.

"Do you want me to stop at a gas station for some Aleeve?"

I nod my hand in lieu of my head.

He begins to drive, and I lean back into the seat.

Soon, he stops. "Okay, I will be right back." he says. I open my eyes and sit up.

"No, I got it."


"I can do this myself okay?" I fling open the car door and grab my purse as I get out. I dont bother looking back at him as I walk into the AM PM, I know he is shaking his head and smiling like usual.

I walk in and make a beeline for the third ailse. I then go to the back to grab a bottle of water.

There is man leaning against the glass of the refridgerator section, right in front of the water. Trying to ignore my headache, I stand in front of him. He obviously doesnt understand what Im trying to do, so I mutter an "Excuse me" under my breath. His head snaps up, and his eyes zone in on me.

They are a hazel-ish color, and are barely able to be seen through his black fringe. It is only then do I notice what this interesting stranger is wearing; an all- black tuxedo. The tie, the shirt, everything.

"Oh sorry, did you want something?" his voice is a little high. I nod despite my head, but he doesnt move. He just begins looking at the bottom hem of my dress. And something inside me clicks, reminding me that individuals who wear all black tuxedoes and look like they havent gone into the sun in a week that are in an AM PM at 1 o'clock in the morning are probably not people who you want to associate with.

I do a quick 180 degree turn and walked straight back down the aisle. I walk up to the cash register and put down the small Aleeve cardboard box. The cashier, who- to fit all streotypes- was Indian, rings me up and I reach into my purse to get money. But the cashier makes an animal- like noise that makes me freeze. I slowly look up at him. His eyes are wide and his arms are slightly raised, almost in an act of submission.

He begins to say something, but his words are swallowed by the unbearably loud sound of a gun going off right behind me. I throw my hands up to my ears as the cashier looks down at the bloody hole in his chest.

I turn around to face the gunman, and the man with the black tuxedo stands before me, smirking.

He holds a gun to his side, and brings it up above his head. I dont realize what he is doing until he brings the gun in contact with my head. Pain shoots through every nerve of my body, and I am faintly aware of my legs giving out. The back of my head hitting the tile floor is the last thing that pushes me into the dark ocean of unconsciousness.



this is my first priority fanfic now that Im almost done with my Killjoy fic Golden State. if you havent read that, i urge you to. but i guess you could do something more meaningful with your life. heaven knows im not.


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